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Hey guys,

Ive been hearing that Ottawa med school doesnt want research papers listed unless they have been accepted for publication - therefore papers "in prep" or " submitted" dont count..


however the website states otherwise... can someone confirm this for me... (i need to stop listening to false rumors)



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ottawa pretty much wants high grades thats about it


Not even close to the truth. Judging by the numerous people I have met in the 2015/2016/2017 class, Ottawa wants down-to-earth, humble, and accomplished people.


Yes, no MCAT increases GPA scrutiny, but good luck getting in (or even an interview) with a 4.00 and nothing else.


As an aside, I creeped some of your post. You seem to have a lot of confidence answering this question without going through the application process to uOttawa (The Ottawa isn't "up" there statement - our match rate way almost 98% last year. (The second highest precentage in CANADA. I have heard that "all uOtt med go for family which increases their match rate", look at the stats, we are in the same % range as anywhere else.) It would have been 100%, but one student is getting a special program created for them so their match had to be deferred.)

--- Yea.... I might be a little proud of my school. I love this place. Sorry for the rant. :)

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i totally agree with your comments




Not even close to the truth. Judging by the numerous people I have met in the 2015/2016/2017 class, Ottawa wants down-to-earth, humble, and accomplished people.


Yes, no MCAT increases GPA scrutiny, but good luck getting in (or even an interview) with a 4.00 and nothing else.


As an aside, I creeped some of your post. You seem to have a lot of confidence answering this question without going through the application process to uOttawa (The Ottawa isn't "up" there statement - our match rate way almost 98% last year. (The second highest precentage in CANADA. I have heard that "all uOtt med go for family which increases their match rate", look at the stats, we are in the same % range as anywhere else.) It would have been 100%, but one student is getting a special program created for them so their match had to be deferred.)

--- Yea.... I might be a little proud of my school. I love this place. Sorry for the rant. :)

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Hey guys,

Ive been hearing that Ottawa med school doesnt want research papers listed unless they have been accepted for publication - therefore papers "in prep" or " submitted" dont count..


however the website states otherwise... can someone confirm this for me... (i need to stop listening to false rumors)




Ottawa med admissions website vs random rumors you hear from premeds. I think it's pretty clear. If you want really want to confirm this, you should be emailing the admissions office rather than asking around on the forums. No one here can confirm anything for you.

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I guess I over-exagerrated a bit there with my comment. What I essentially meant is that GPA plays a huge role...essentially meaning you could have amazing ECs but you're chances are low if you're GPA isnt at least a 3.9. In fact, Ottawa is actually my #1 choice so it is good to see their match rate is so high. I have many questions about applying there if you are willing to answer haha

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I guess I over-exagerrated a bit there with my comment. What I essentially meant is that GPA plays a huge role...essentially meaning you could have amazing ECs but you're chances are low if you're GPA isnt at least a 3.9. In fact, Ottawa is actually my #1 choice so it is good to see their match rate is so high. I have many questions about applying there if you are willing to answer haha


Ask away 10 char

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Alright well can you give an overall opinion on my application based on your experience...here is a summary of my average and top 3's from OMSAS


-wGPA: 3.97

-completed undergrad in honors biology




1. 5 years as a camp counselor (>4000hrs)...it is an outdoor canoe tripping camp

2. 1 year as a camp director (>1000hrs)

3. TA for a biochemistry course (starting in september and will go for this entire year)



1.Intramural ice hockey for 3 years (>100hrs)

2.Intramural ball hockey for 2 years (about 50 hrs)

3.Job shadowed a pediatric emergency physician (about 20hrs)



1.Volunteer neuroscience TA..included office hours etc. (about 300hrs; 1term)

2.Volunteer at a nursing home for a year (about 50 hrs)

3.Volunteer at LPGA Canadian golf tournament (about 40 hrs)



1.Ontario graduate scholarship

2.The same undergrad scholarship twice for achieving high gpa (>3.98)

3.Graduate entrance scholarship



1. Summer research position for 3 months - helped out with a meta-analysis study; no publication

2. Summer research position for 3 months - worked in a heart cell physiology lab; some of my data may later be used for pubs but not sure.



My concern is more my ECs and how well they are going to stack up

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Alright well can you give an overall opinion on my application based on your experience...here is a summary of my average and top 3's from OMSAS


-wGPA: 3.97

-completed undergrad in honors biology




1. 5 years as a camp counselor (>4000hrs)...it is an outdoor canoe tripping camp

2. 1 year as a camp director (>1000hrs)

3. TA for a biochemistry course (starting in september and will go for this entire year)



1.Intramural ice hockey for 3 years (>100hrs)

2.Intramural ball hockey for 2 years (about 50 hrs)

3.Job shadowed a pediatric emergency physician (about 20hrs)



1.Volunteer neuroscience TA..included office hours etc. (about 300hrs; 1term)

2.Volunteer at a nursing home for a year (about 50 hrs)

3.Volunteer at LPGA Canadian golf tournament (about 40 hrs)



1.Ontario graduate scholarship

2.The same undergrad scholarship twice for achieving high gpa (>3.98)

3.Graduate entrance scholarship



1. Summer research position for 3 months - helped out with a meta-analysis study; no publication

2. Summer research position for 3 months - worked in a heart cell physiology lab; some of my data may later be used for pubs but not sure.



My concern is more my ECs and how well they are going to stack up


How can you be even close to worrying about acceptance with that GPA and ECs...


Anyways, GPA gets you the interview and interview you gets you the acceptance, good luck!

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Alright well can you give an overall opinion on my application based on your experience...here is a summary of my average and top 3's from OMSAS


-wGPA: 3.97

-completed undergrad in honors biology




1. 5 years as a camp counselor (>4000hrs)...it is an outdoor canoe tripping camp

2. 1 year as a camp director (>1000hrs)

3. TA for a biochemistry course (starting in september and will go for this entire year)



1.Intramural ice hockey for 3 years (>100hrs)

2.Intramural ball hockey for 2 years (about 50 hrs)

3.Job shadowed a pediatric emergency physician (about 20hrs)



1.Volunteer neuroscience TA..included office hours etc. (about 300hrs; 1term)

2.Volunteer at a nursing home for a year (about 50 hrs)

3.Volunteer at LPGA Canadian golf tournament (about 40 hrs)



1.Ontario graduate scholarship

2.The same undergrad scholarship twice for achieving high gpa (>3.98)

3.Graduate entrance scholarship



1. Summer research position for 3 months - helped out with a meta-analysis study; no publication

2. Summer research position for 3 months - worked in a heart cell physiology lab; some of my data may later be used for pubs but not sure.



My concern is more my ECs and how well they are going to stack up


Quick opinion

Your ECs are average. There are a lot of people who have taken time off school, have families, or just wild histories, but your ECs won't break you by any means. What it will come down to is how you sell you ECs. What did you gain from all of those positions? (I.e. how did it shape you as a person)

wGPA - no worries. Again a lot of candidates have GPAs at or above yours, but you're well above the cut off.

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Ya see that was my opinion as well. I don't understand how I can explain these experiences that well though...on omsas it asks you to list your responsibilities not what you gained from the position so it is slightly confusing me about what to write. Now I know Ottawa does heavily look at the ABS but don't you think that realistically a high gpa >3.95 should be able to save you and get you an interview unless your ECs are very poor? From reading previous threads about interview acceptance that just seems to be the case to me but I don't know.

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W Now I know Ottawa does heavily look at the ABS but don't you think that realistically a high gpa >3.95 should be able to save you and get you an interview unless your ECs are very poor?


No. GPA is just one component and by itself won't get you there. For the ABS, use the CanMeds competences to show what you learned and your impact upon others.

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I'm also still verrrry confused as to how we can write about what we gained from the things we list in the sketch when we are only allowed a max of 150 characters. There is no possible way someone can get all the information across ie. responsibilities in addition what they learned or gained from the activity. I've tried calling U Ottawa admissions and emailed them, no one ever answers the phone nor answers emails. Is there like a section on OMSAS where we can write this and I've over looked it or some sort of supplemental application that needs to be submitted that I've over looked as well lol.

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I don't think you need to be so uptight on it. Just try to get the main idea of what you've done and convey it to the committee. For instance, I would have written something like:


Activity: xyz executive

- Presented abc to over 100 students

- Facilitated discussions among executive team

- Initiated new ideas for future events



-> I didn't think about the canMed roles very much, but if you think about it, the first point is a communicator, the 2nd point is a collaborator and the 3rd point could be a scholar(or not). If you are careful with your descriptions, then the canMed roles should be more or less apparent without being explicit.


I'm also still verrrry confused as to how we can write about what we gained from the things we list in the sketch when we are only allowed a max of 150 characters. There is no possible way someone can get all the information across ie. responsibilities in addition what they learned or gained from the activity. I've tried calling U Ottawa admissions and emailed them, no one ever answers the phone nor answers emails. Is there like a section on OMSAS where we can write this and I've over looked it or some sort of supplemental application that needs to be submitted that I've over looked as well lol.
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I don't think you need to be so uptight on it. Just try to get the main idea of what you've done and convey it to the committee. For instance, I would have written something like:


Activity: xyz executive

- Presented abc to over 100 students

- Facilitated discussions among executive team

- Initiated new ideas for future events



-> I didn't think about the canMed roles very much, but if you think about it, the first point is a communicator, the 2nd point is a collaborator and the 3rd point could be a scholar(or not). If you are careful with your descriptions, then the canMed roles should be more or less apparent without being explicit.

Hey thanks for your help, I guess I was thinking into it too much. Because my WGPA is 3.89 I'm really trying hard to make my ABS stand out. I really liked the example you posted; it's clear, concise and relevant.

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