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september 01 deadline

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I've e-mailed Carolyn asking her to clarify but I assumed the deadline was at 11:59:59pm on Sept 1st. I'll let you all know what she says when she replies.


Please do :). I did sent her an email as well, but I only sent it last night :(. This never occurred to me until yesterday and my proofreader requires until September 1st to proofread...

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I think its pretty clear... a new day starts at midnight (00:00 on a 24hr clock). One minute after 11:59p.m (23:59) on Aug 31, the time switches to 12a.m (midnight), and simultaneously the date switches to Sep 1.

By saying "before 12am Sep 1", they are saying it is due before the month of September begins.


In case that wasn't clear:


Aug 31- 11:00pm+ 1hr= Sep 1-12:00am

Sep 1 11:00pm+1 hr= Sep 2-12:00am


if you submit on Sep 1, say at 9am (09:00), it will be late (past 12am, 00:00).

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I just called Dal and Carolyn has left a voice recording with application information. The voice recording states that step 2 is due september 1st at 11:59pm.


Thanks for letting us know! I guess Carolyn never had a chance to get back my e-mail :( .

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Also when you save your info on the application, it says this:

"Your application has been saved and you can go back until 12 midnight ADT on September 1, 2013 to review, change or submit this application."


Meaning you have until 11:59pm on Sept 1st to change things, I believe.

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Thanks for letting us know! I guess Carolyn never had a chance to get back my e-mail :( .


yes, good to know. although I think it could have been a lot clearer...I still stand by that midnight on sept 1 should mean that its due 11:59pm Aug 31.


I emailed admissions about a week and a half ago (about another issue) and never got a response either

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