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How Much Research? How do I choose a project?


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I'm a Med 1 and I've been considering research projects for next semester/summer. I'm really interested in two different projects but they're quite different. I won't bore you with the details of that but essentially one would be a two year research project and one would probably be wrapped up at the end of the summer/fall of med 2. What I'm wondering is how many publications/research experiences do people tend to have on the carms application? in your opinion is it better to a) complete a smaller project that will likely be published quickly and leave opportunities for different research opportunities in the future that may be more relevant to my potential specialty of interest (no idea what that is) it's not complicated or impressive/flashy (systematic review) or B) to take one a longer project with something I'm even more interested in but will be slower going, probably longer, and also possibly not directly related to my specialty of interest. I guess it's more interesting because it's unique, promoter opposites from my research background and an awesome supervisor.

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Some people are more prolific, others less. It depends on their level of interest in research.

Based on what you've written, I would pick the second as it sounds like it would open more doors for you in the future.

edit: I see bb's point, but the OP seems to have a gut feel that the second project will be more relevant to their interests and that the supervisor will be highly supportive of them (as the goal is also to pave the way for a future reference).

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