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MMI book+dvd prep for SALE

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Selling my Msc Medical MMI book+DVD.


I strongly recommend this, especially for first time interviewers. This was my main MMI resource, and I didn't practice before my interview whatsoever (just read this book). This was my first MMI, and it went really well according to reference stats.


Asking for $55. (Amazon price is $69+shipping.)

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Selling my Msc Medical MMI book+DVD.


I strongly recommend this, especially for first time interviewers. This was my main MMI resource, and I didn't practice before my interview whatsoever (just read this book). This was my first MMI, and it went really well according to reference stats.


Asking for $55. (Amazon price is $69+shipping.)


I interviewed as a 3rd yr and was denied, my interview was my weak spot even though I do well in traditional interviews. I have read lots on the internet about the MMI and its all pretty generic, what does this book do thats special or significant?

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The book provides a lot of cases, so you get exposed to many different types of scenarios. And the best part is that about 90% of the time, there is also a sample response to each case. Sometimes just bullet points outlining the flow of the response, other times pages of thoughtful answers.


It's a great resource for understanding how to structure and organize a response. What I liked about it is it really taught me how to approach the case from different perspectives, how to question the information I'm given, see pro's and con's in many diverse scenarios, etc.


Even though there's no "wrong" answer in MMI's, this book definitely helped me answer the questions in a way which, after much post-interview analysis and research, I feel was "right".

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