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U of T Interview Discussion 2014

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If memory serves me right they don't have an interview waitlist per-say. Last year they kept people until the very end (last year it was April) until either offering an invite or sending regrets. So essentially this is a waitlist, but not like Mac where you are actually told you're on the waitlist.

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If memory serves me right they don't have an interview waitlist per-say. Last year they kept people until the very end (last year it was April) until either offering an invite or sending regrets. So essentially this is a waitlist, but not like Mac where you are actually told you're on the waitlist.


April? Wow! That would be a long wait?

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guys, you don't need to read Doing Right or CanMEDS roles or whatever. that'll just make you boring.


instead, every morning, read a good newspaper. you'll at least be able to hold up a conversation.


While being aware of day to day matters is important, the UofT curriculum ultimately aims to produce physicians who meet the CanMEDs roles. Reading Doing Right can give a perspective on matters that you may not have considered before. There is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain from familiarizing yourself with these standard frameworks. As smitty said, it takes just a few hours to run through that book, so I don't see the harm at all.


Is it even reasonable to expect an interview invite before March 29/30 if your MCAT has been flagged?


I know people who got interviews despite not necessarily meeting 9/9/9. I don't think the date of interview is related to whether or not your MCAT is "flagged" (this is based on previous cycles)

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While being aware of day to day matters is important, the UofT curriculum ultimately aims to produce physicians who meet the CanMEDs roles. Reading Doing Right can give a perspective on matters that you may not have considered before. There is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain from familiarizing yourself with these standard frameworks. As smitty said, it takes just a few hours to run through that book, so I don't see the harm at all.



I agree - read doing right and skim the CanMED roles. I was asked something in which I was able to easily work in the canMED roles. Of course they wouldn't expect this, but my interviewers were definitely impressed that I knew them and could explain them, and said so.

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on the website, it says they will ATTEMPT to accomodate requests for rescheduling due to difficulties with travel or exceptional personal circumstances. I'm not sure what qualifies as exceptional.


I just received a date for a surgery I have been waiting almost 3 years for with a 2 week recover period, and it's Feb. 26!!!!


If I receive an invite for Mar 1 weekend, I will contact them to see if there is any chance of rescheduling but if necessary I will ask the surgeon to postpone the surgery. I just don't know how long I will have to wait for the surgery if I don't take the assigned date they've given me.


It will be difficult but would be a good problem to have ie. I would have an invite.




I know historically that you have been allowed to email them (even in advance of getting an invite) and tell them if you can't make a certain weekend. Surgery is a very legitimate excuse, and if you mention that, I'm 100% certain that if they are going to send you an invite, they'll preferentially give you the Mar 29/30 weekend. I'd definitely send Leslie Taylor an email now and explain! It's far enough in advance too that you're not leaving her scrambling to replace you with another applicant for the Mar 1/2 weekend. Then you'd get the best of both worlds!

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I agree - read doing right and skim the CanMED roles. I was asked something in which I was able to easily work in the canMED roles. Of course they wouldn't expect this, but my interviewers were definitely impressed that I knew them and could explain them, and said so.


To what detail would you recommend knowing them? I can list them, speak about them in some detail (why each is essential), and work them into my ABS/essays pretty well. Anything else? How did they come up in your interview?

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I talked to a past interviewer and he said he cringed anytime people mentioned "autonomy" or other similar things from Doing Right. I think they honestly want to see we are caring, sensible people and don't care too much at this point if we can pick the right choice in an ethical dilemma that we will probably never have to face without any help.

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I talked to a past interviewer and he said he cringed anytime people mentioned "autonomy" or other similar things from Doing Right. I think they honestly want to see we are caring, sensible people and don't care too much at this point if we can pick the right choice in an ethical dilemma that we will probably never have to face without any help.


I would say different interviewers are different.


It comes down to how you talk. Think about a normal conversation with others. Just repeating words that sound "good" for the sake of dropping in those terms isn't going to look good. But if you articulate yourself well, and USE the words and principles you've learned to formulate a intelligent response then you're much more likely to impress. When practicing last year with friends, it was very obvious when people were throwing out words to impress and ended up having the opposite effect.

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any ideas on when the next invites/regrets email will be going out?


-one seriously anxious premed student


No idea, but I wouldn't fret. The order that they're doing things in seems super random. I handed my package in at the last possible minute. I had filled out all 45 ABS and my grad CV was like 11 pages long, and yet they looked at my file recently.


There's some kind of dark trickery at play here ... D:

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This happens every year - people trying to find patterns and trying to predict when the next invites will go out. I know everybody is anxious, but just try to relax and wait for the email! It is still very early - I didn't get an invite until late March last year so anything can happen!

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Anyone else get an invitation to the survey?


I'm kind of paranoid: I gather that last year they sent the survey invite right after sending the Rs, and people were (rightly) upset. So, I'm thinking maybe they switched the order this year and I'm about the get the axe :S

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Anyone else get an invitation to the survey?


I'm kind of paranoid: I gather that last year they sent the survey invite right after sending the Rs, and people were (rightly) upset. So, I'm thinking maybe they switched the order this year and I'm about the get the axe :S


ughhh i hope you're wrong... i just got it too...

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Somebody just posted an invite for March 1st yesterday, so I think they're rolling them out continuously. Not sure when the regrets are going out, but I'm guessing soon.


Apparently a friend of my friend has already gotten a rejection. Not sure how credible this is as I don't actually know that person but word on the streets is that there have been rejections sent.

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