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Demographics of PT Class

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Just out of curiosity, can anyone comment on the demographics of their PT classes (i.e. what did their classmates major in during their undergrad prior to being admitted into a PT program)? I'm just wondering because I myself did not major in Kinesiology, but from what I've read or heard from others the vast majority of students in a PT program in Canada is predominantly those who majored in Kinesiology during their undergrad. Perhaps this a bit irrational, but I do worry of maybe not "fitting in" due to my different education background or that I am maybe at a disadvantage in some way since those with a degree in Kinesiology would maybe be more prepared to undertake studies in a PT program.


I've heard that med schools or law schools often have a somewhat diverse range of students with different backgrounds (Computer Science, Engineering, Life Science, English, Psychology, etc.) and was hoping PT schools follow a similar trend?

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