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Interview mistake

Guest Gem2005

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Guest Gem2005

Hey everyone,


I just wanted to ask if anyone (moderators or interview candidates) have heard or experienced an scoring error after the interview (50%) . Also if anyone though they had a great interview (interviewers seemed impressed, knoding a lot), where there was no odd questions or conflicting quest., and realized afterwards, that their interview score was low.


I am asking this because its something, thinking your interv. went bad because you didint explain something well or said too much or... But its something much more worrisome to think and expect( based on interviewers reaction to you and your usually correct judgement), a good interv. and get disapointed.


How would you face this, how would you improve yourself (I feel I must have missed the boat and not realized it, a total loss of control!):\


Thanks a lot!

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Guest CTU24

I think it is very difficult to associate an interview reaction w/ your actual interview performace..and this is coming from someone who is immensely confident (and perhaps a little too cocky) in their ability to "read" people.


This year at Ottawa I had what I thought was a great interview. I really connected with my interviewers, and they even told me afterward that I had a "very good chance at getting accepted." Ultimately, I was bad waitlisted.


The attitude I think you need to take into your interviews and how I looked at them afterwards is "was I myself", b.c that's really all you can control. It still sucks to get rejected, but then at least they rejected you instead of a phony version of yourself.


There really are so many variables that go into interview performance, I don't even know if it is possible to truly "know" how you did (unless your interviewers give you a big kiss or sign some legally binding document).


Try not to over analyze, keep at it, and eventually the right match between your personality and your interviewers will come along.



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Guest Gem2005

Thanks CTU24


I appreciate your thoughts, I am a confident person, but I try to go with my instincts and be honest with myself when it come to evaluating my performance. This the first time I was really wrong about myself, and for something that meant so much to me, that's why I ask this question!


I also think that through this whole process, the first elimination round which is grades, is the one that we can lose control at some point b/c (bad semeter, outsider factors), but I always imagined the interview is where I can have some control on things. I learned that this is not always so!



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Guest CTU24

Your last post really echoed my sentiments at the beginnig of the application process.


Afterwards though I've kind of looked at it from the reverse...numbers (ie. GPA) don't lie...if you've got a 3.9 it's a 3.9 no matter who reviews your file.


At interviews though, humans make the call (I can't wait 'til robots roam the earth)so the outcome will always be variable. I too thought it would be a piece of cake to rock an interview...it's just not as easy as I thought to impress people who have gone through the process and know the ins + outs.


Look at in this way, expereince from an app. cycle can only be an advantage in the future...think how much you've learned compared to the beginnig of the app. cycle and use that to keep improving your app. and interview style. That being said don't reinvent the wheel or doubt yourself...as long as you're not cocky you probably gave a solid interview...you just need to tweak it a little...who knows, maybe another part of your app held you back?


Glad I could help,



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Just to add my thoughts... Interviews are very subjective and you never really know what each person is looking for. When I did interviews this year for people applying, I was looking at things from a different persepctive from the guy who was also interviewing with me. So keep that in mind.

Also, last year I interviewed at 4 schools. I thought I bombed my Calgary interview and thought I was for sure going to get into Dal. Well, alas, I didn't even get waitlisted at Dal and was accepted right away by Calgary. So, goes to show what I know!

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