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Advice on FM residence in ontario

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I was wondering if anyone had advice on the different rural areas available for FM in ontario. I'm a third year (soon to be starting the carms process) from Qc and would like to apply to FM in ontario. I am willing to work in rural areas as long as they are somewhat near a city.

I have an interest in minor surgeries, derm and populations with drug dependance.


Any areas with these focuses?


Any information would be appreciated!

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Almost all the Ontario programs have rural streams that are close to major cities.


UWO has the rural regional stream, where you can live in London and commute out to a surrounding rural site. This also allows you to do some of your rotations in the city. It's quite popular.


McMaster has several rural sites that are within commuting distance of Hamilton.


UToronto's rural sites are probably the least commutable, but still off reasonable access to Toronto (i.e. its definitely possible to head on down for a Friday night of fun).


Not sure about Kingston, Ottawa, or NOSM, but I'm sure they have similar options.

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Queen's has programs based in Belleville, Peterborough and Oshawa. These aren't particularly rural centres; however, they are non-academic centres which means that you get a more well-rounded experience. The programs are small, so there is a sense of belonging. The staff are very directly involved with ensuring the success and experiences of their residents.


I opted to remain in Kingston for my residency, for family reasons. However, I believe that I would have gotten an even better experience had I gone to one of these other sites.

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