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Regarding EC's, can we mention activities that were done privately? As opposed to being part of some club or organization?


I was on sports teams in high school, but they only want college achievements. What if I kept involved with that same sport, but recreationally on my own time, and was not part of a club? Should I even mention that as one of my EC's on the AADSAS application?


How about things such as running road races? Do they even care about your other hobbies that aren't associated with a club??




If I recall correctly there's a separate section for things like that, ie. Hobbies/Interests. It's in the next section or two in the application. Heck, there's even a section for stating stuff that demonstrates you have manual dexterity. You could write your whole damn life story on that application.


For future reference, it's best to ask questions about AADSAS and American applications at the pre-dental forums on StudentDoctorNetwork; you'll get much more prompt and accurate answers there, and chances are, your question has already been answered 9 times out of 10.

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