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Poor Mcat Scores On A Strong Application.. But Which Ones?

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I am applying as an IP mature applicant with scads of work/research/volunteer experiences.


The weak point on my application is MCAT.  I can choose to submit a 6-9-5 or a 4-10-4


Do any current students think the slightly higher VR (10, albeit with a lower total score) would compensate for very low scores on sciences? Or should I submit the more "balanced" scores. Obviously both scores will result in my being "red flagged" but I am confident in the rest of my application.


Appreciate your thoughts.



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Hmmm..... I would submit the one with a 10 in VR to Calgary... Simply because the VR is weighted much higher than the other two sections.... Will the 2 points you're losing make a big difference on your application? I don't know... But it is a 'global assessment of academics', so hopefully your GPA can make up for it? Especially if you did well in the recommended science pre-reqs.  


Additionally I think Calgary has a section where you can explain a poor MCAT score. Just my two cents though :)


Tough Decision. Good luck! 



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Definitely pick the one with the 10 VR.  It is worth 10% of your overall score and having a 10 is around average so you'll gain more points this way.  Dr. Walker explained in his recent info session that the file reviewers will see all scores of all MCATs so when they are looking at your science sections they will view it as kind of average between the two.  As well he posted someone who had a 10 VR (or it may have even been a 9) with a 3 in PS and 4 in BS as their MCAT and they still gained admittance.  

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Definitely 10 VR. Honestly, I don't think the 6/5 vs. 4/4 will change all that much in subjective assessment, and also, those sections are just a component of the overall thing. Besides, reviewers this year see all MCAT scores. So if they're going to see them both, why not use the one that will actually bump you up ~10-15 points in VR? 

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