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Applying To Both Ot And Pt Help

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No one can tell you for a fact because I don't think anyone here is on the student selection panel.




I can tell you this however, both OT and PT are rehabilitation science programs and are similar with regards to their missions, values, and goals. I don't think applying to both would make it seem as your application to one contradicts the other. I myself have applied to OT/PT at UofT, Mac, Western, and Queens. I'm interested in rehabilitation sciences as a future career and wouldn't mind a career in PT or OT which is why I applied to both.

In fact, if you read the ORPAS manual/booklet Mac asks students to send a $90 cheque if they plan on applying to both programs. Explicitly mentioning that on the manual just shows that this isn't a rare occurrence. They don't seem to mind it and they don't seem to care, if anything it all they would probably welcome it because they would have a bigger student pool to pick from. 


Don't take my word for it but that was my 2 cents.

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I would suggest really being sure of your interest in the field of Occupational Therapy before applying.  It is not the same as PT, it is a lot of time, effort and money to spend on something if you're not really sure it's something you want to do.  If you're really passionate about PT I would even suggest it would be better to apply more than once in order to get into that program, rather than be unsatisfied in a program that is only slightly related to the field you want to be in.  Also as a side note many schools do not come outright and say that they discourage applicants from applying to both, but many do take it into consideration when making acceptances. 

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Applying to both won't hurt your chances! And FYI, at least at Mac, there are some students on the admissions committee. I was actually asked in one of my interview stations if I had applied to both and why/why not. This can work against you at Mac depending on how you answer if you are obvious in that what you are interviewing for isn't your first choice.

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As a student OT to another future OT/PT.. I am extremely passionate about OT. Therefore, I disagree with those who apply to both as well. I can't stress enough on how PT and OT are completely different career paths. Just because they are both "rehab" sciences does not mean they are similar and I disagree with the poster above in that people will be fine with either one. If you think that, you might as well apply for a MSc in research for rehab science too. I believe they don't outrightly say it as well, but I do think it matters in your application. Your passion (or lack thereof) will influence your ability to succeed in the program.

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