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Top 10 Clumping

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Hey guys,


Did any of you (past or present applicants) use 10 specific individual items for your top 10's? Was it mandatory that we clump several similar items together? I'm a little worried after having reviewed the podcast that I may have hindered my chances by using 10 individual activities that had a significant impact on my life. I could have potentially included more things if I had clumped items together. I.e. I used one employment item that was long term, when I've had several similar employments with similar duties. Or I used one specific type of tutoring when I've had multiple. For the items I did include, I described the impact on my life and the general ideas I was trying to get across. Does anyone have information on how this would be viewed? No speculation please. Only tangible information that can help me. 


Thanks in advance.

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If the activities are similar in terms of connection to CanMed traits, it would be a good idea to clump. This makes it less redundant, and gives you an opportunity to add more activities discussing different traits. But don't worry too much if you separated each activity - as long as you hit all the traits they are looking for in your top 10, you should be fine.

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If the activities are similar in terms of connection to CanMed traits, it would be a good idea to clump. This makes it less redundant, and gives you an opportunity to add more activities discussing different traits. But don't worry too much if you separated each activity - as long as you hit all the traits they are looking for in your top 10, you should be fine.


Thanks for the reassurance. Are you a previous applicant or current calgary med student? 

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