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What are the chances this late in the app cycle?

Guest siobhansiobhan

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Guest siobhansiobhan

I'm glad to see that others are working on that Rosalind Franklin essay still - woah, so behind!

I was waiting for mcat marks (got good ones, the one highlight in an otherwise painful process including a not-so-great gpa and being from Ontario....)


Can anyone here talk about what the chances are applying this late when u.s. schools operate on rolling admissions?


Thanx -

p.s. - moo - I've seen your name over the years (YEARS!) here, and I was glad to see those early posts about u.s. schools over in the mac forums, i think that's where i saw your name before...



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Guest QuestionMan23213

hey there, im no expert on american applications, but i can attempt to help. i myself was really late this cycle (submitted the primary application 5 weeks ago) and only now am i getting secondary apps. there was a huge delay in the mailing process of sending transcripts from some of my uni's that ive attended and then some of the schools may take a while to get back to you about the secondaries etc.

anyways, i think anyone here will say our chances havve been reduced quite a bit at this point because ppl have already been given interviews and even acceptances. On the other hand, if you have an amazing mcat (which you said you do) you may still have a good shot if you apply to enough places. all i can say is if you submitted ur primary today and made arrangements to have all your stuff mailed, it may take up to a month b4 the schools get the application in their hands. aamc also takes about 2-6 weeks to process the primary once u do submit. also a lot of uni's had a nov 15 deadline to get the verified primary but some are later so you would have to find schools that are still accepting new applications.


good luck with whatever u decide to do. ive just told u a bit about the time scale, but maybe someone else in an american school can tell u what ur actual chances would be applying right now.

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Guest siobhansiobhan

Yeah, thank god, i've got the primaries processed, and the e-vites i've had (shame shame) for about three weeks now....


some of the secondaries are in, a couple of the letters are winging their way to the states. rosalind franklin i want to send to, and yet i'm just getting recalcitrant about writing more essays.... especially with exams coming up for those extra prerequisite biochem and physics courses (if you knew me, it wouldn't surprise you that i'm taking the damn physics course after....it's a pattern...:)


the mcat is an achievement for me - i got 34S, so i don't think it's a show-stopper, therefore, although i'm very proud that it puts me up to the 94th percentile, and gave me a feeling of elation. of course, there are always people with better. maybe you! and if you do, i don't begrudge you, and i'm still thrilled with mine. it was a highlight of a long, depressing haul. that's still on, because i'm not in yet, and i really wish i could have just stayed in canada, which seems as if it could have been, if i were from any other province but good-god-gpa ontario.


Anyways - all the best with your aps too. one day, we'll all meet at an ezboard special interest group at one of those luxury conferences in australia or so. :)



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Guest QuestionMan23213

hey there, in that case im also wondering what the chances are of matriculating this late in the cycle because im also still sending in secondaries.


I think with 34S, ur in REALLy good shape. i definitely didnt score that high (i screwed up verbal pretty badly) but my gpa and science mcat scores are pretty good i think. I can totally relate to ur frustrations about the ontario thing. in the maritimes, the gpa and mcat cut offs are sooo much lower for in province students (i think u need 24 on the mcat). Ive actually started med school in the uk this year just because i got so fed up with our system.


anyways best of luck to you, and if anyone has any input on our chances now, please let us know because each school costs about 100 extra at this point!

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Guest MedBound786

Hey guys;


It seems that Time is especially of essence when it comes to American Med Application. My friend paid for it last time when he applied around this time. He got four interviews scheduled around March/April and all ended up rejecting him due to overfilling of class, Increased selectivity due to few seats remaining and over-filling of wait-list spots. I learned from his experience and applied late June and just received my first acceptance from one of my top-choice U.S med schools last week. I suggest saving money, time and emotional energy this year and submitting your AMCAS application on the first day of submissions next cycle: June 1st. I am sure you'll bag many more interviews with your scores and an early application this way.


Good Luck with whatever you decide !!;)

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