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Advice On When To Apply In The Summer?


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Hi all,


I'm having trouble on deciding when to apply to AMCAS this upcoming summer. I plan on re writing the MCAT at the earliest on June 20 which would give me a score release date of July 21. So would submitting my application on July 21 be considered too late, in terms of more competition or is that period in the end of August onwards? Any guidance on what to do and when to meet those deadlines (submitting the final application,etc) would be appreciated.

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A bit late but not too late. Make sure your transcripts, LOR, primary AND secondary are all submitted before July 21st.


P.S. In case it's your first time applying, primary takes around 3-4 wks to verify after you submit. However, AMCAS won't release your primary to med schools until some time in late June (check the date). Therefore, better to submit your primary in early June so that it goes out on the first release day.

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Just my personal experiences, for your reference only.


If you have LizzyM score 75+ and good ECs,  applied 20+ Canadian friendly MD schools evenly, submitted AMCAS primary application before middle of August and completed most 2nd applications asap also in August, you will be fine. Since you're an outstanding applicant and they want you even you applied late.


You can submit primary application in June without MCAT score by filling it with your next MCAT date, AMCAS can verify your transcripts and GPA within two weeks in June, may need 4 weeks in July, and maybe 6 weeks in August. Without submitted your primary application, your application will not verified. In your case, you still better submit your AMCAS primary asap in June If your LizzyM score is less than 75.


1. Start your AMCAS application before open account this April or May - writing Essays, asking reference letters, writing your ECs, prepare money, about $250 per school (not exactly, $5,000 for 20 schools before interview, add $5,000 for interviews for flight, hotel, taxi, etc), you need at least 6 reference letters, each school get different letters, some schools only allow 3 letters, most schools in 5 to 6 letters. At least 2 letters from your major (science), 1 from social science or art, 1 from hospital, 1 from job/volunteering/work, 1 from sports/music/arts activities. AMCAS will accept 10 letters for you. You can add reference after submitting primary but can't delete it. You can have reference in your primary application without sending to schools you applied. You also can add schools after submitting your primary, just need to pay extra $ for new added schools.


2. Open your application account for 2015-2016 when new application cycle begin asap ( late May or first day of June), it's free, you pay at submit.


3. Complete your primary application asap, don't submit it without others' review in June.


4. After submitted your primary application, most schools you applied will give you secondary application by email within 48 hours, you should complete it and submit it asap no late than 10 days, remember, tips, don't submit it without others' review.


5. Make sure your transcripts, MCAT score, reference letters all arrived on time by login into your account daily or weekly.


6. Most schools need 1 to 3 months to review your application after you completed secondary application and get complete notification email from schools you applied or login each schools your application account to check your application status daily or weekly. no worry, if you're good enough, interview invitation will come ( check your email spam.)


7. US MD interview on weekdays, not weekend. If you have multiple interviews, you can email them to change or arrange interview date and time.


8. After interview, normally need 4 weeks to get result by email, 3 outcomes, accepted, rejected or on hold.


9. Wait 3 months still nothing ?, give them an update by email, like newer transcripts, newer ECs, extra reference letters, what you done after submitted your application, etc. Show them you're still interested and hope they will give your application another look.

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A bit late but not too late. Make sure your transcripts, LOR, primary AND secondary are all submitted before July 21st.


P.S. In case it's your first time applying, primary takes around 3-4 wks to verify after you submit. However, AMCAS won't release your primary to med schools until some time in late June (check the date). Therefore, better to submit your primary in early June so that it goes out on the first release day.

Follow this advice. Get the rest of your transcripts, LORs and everything PREWRITTEN and READY TO GO.  So once your MCAT is in, your app can be reviewed by the respective schools.


Definitely not too late if you are prepared and on the ball. Just make sure to smoke the MCAT, or don't bother hitting submit.


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