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Hi everyone! Just got back my mcat score today and I'd like to see if its worth applying to US Med schools.


cGPA: 3.75

sGPA: 3.76

MCAT (January score): 29 (10 VR, 10BS, 9PS).  Got a 27 back in Septemeber. Unfortunately I didn't improve by much.

URM (But I'm Canadian so not sure if this matters. If it doesn't I'm probably screwed)


Here are my EC's:


- Student Health Educator at my University (2 years, 250 hours)

- Hospital Volunteering (300 hours). Various tasks: patient transport, meal-time assistance, administrative work.

- Asssitant to occupational therapist (2 years, 150 hours)

- Research Assistant (paid and volunteer). 2 years. Abstract submission, conference presentation. Publication in June hopefully. Around ~ 500 hours.

- Research Assistant (summer, different lab than above).

- NSERC URSA (Summer)

- Involved with some clubs/organizations at my school. Biology club, student's association, etc..

- Overseas medical trip (1 week)

- Volunteer at Community centre (3 years). Tutoring afterschool program.

- Experience working in retail. Only 1 year though.



- I think I'll be able to add shadowing experience before June.

- Trying to work on my EC's some more.



I'm considering writing the MCAT again, but I really don't want to. Let me know what you guys think...




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Just my 2 cents,


Your MCAT 10/10/9 is NOT BAD, most american MD schools 90% students MCAT 28 to 36.

3.75 GPA also NOT BAD in USA.


Your good ECs and URM status will HELP you A LOT in some lower to middle tiers,

Google "URM medical schools is USA" and check with "Canadian Friendly schools" on this forum to improve your interview chance.


Write your essays now, and edit them by friends, family and everyone you know, excellent essays and outstanding references go a long way in USA. 


Apply broadly at least 20~40 schools First day in June and complete in June/July to improve your chance.


You will be a TOP GUN if you applied to DO schools.

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I'm browsing through the MSAR and these are the schools that accept international applications where I meet the average MCAT.


- Howard

- Meharry

- Central Michigan

- West Virginia (No internationals interviewed)

- University of Utah (23 internationals applied, 11 interviewed)



There's other schools that accept canadians, but the average MCAT is around 30-33. I'm not so confident with these tbh. I feel like a 29 MCAT, international student would just get rejected fast.


- George Washington University
-Rosalind Franklin



What are your thoughts?

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Just my 2 cents,


Your MCAT 10/10/9 is NOT BAD, most american MD schools 90% students MCAT 28 to 36.

3.75 GPA also NOT BAD in USA.


Your good ECs and URM status will HELP you A LOT in some lower to middle tiers,

Google "URM medical schools is USA" and check with "Canadian Friendly schools" on this forum to improve your interview chance.


Write your essays now, and edit them by friends, family and everyone you know, excellent essays and outstanding references go a long way in USA. 


Apply broadly at least 20~40 schools First day in June and complete in June/July to improve your chance.


You will be a TOP GUN if you applied to DO schools.

29 is fairly bad for an international student, the average of international students/matriculants is much higher.


Also, I wouldn't say top gun, but rather a very competitive applicant for Canadian friendly DO schools.

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I'm browsing through the MSAR and these are the schools that accept international applications where I meet the average MCAT.


- Howard

- Meharry

- Central Michigan

- West Virginia (No internationals interviewed)

- University of Utah (23 internationals applied, 11 interviewed)



There's other schools that accept canadians, but the average MCAT is around 30-33. I'm not so confident with these tbh. I feel like a 29 MCAT, international student would just get rejected fast.







- George Washington University

-Rosalind Franklin



What are your thoughts?


Youre already going to fill out your AMCAS for the ones you do have somewhat of a chance at, may as well spend the extra couple bucks and apply to the others.


Oakland especially

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I'm browsing through the MSAR and these are the schools that accept international applications where I meet the average MCAT.


- Howard

- Meharry

- Central Michigan

- West Virginia (No internationals interviewed)

- University of Utah (23 internationals applied, 11 interviewed)



There's other schools that accept canadians, but the average MCAT is around 30-33. I'm not so confident with these tbh. I feel like a 29 MCAT, international student would just get rejected fast.







- George Washington University

-Rosalind Franklin



What are your thoughts?


I think you should apply not only ALL these 12 schools but also ALL URM friendly schools even their average MCAT is 35+, because your URM status, I think you have Better chance than me even my MCAT is higher than you. But this is just my opinion, your niche is URM.

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29 is fairly bad for an international student, the average of international students/matriculants is much higher.


Also, I wouldn't say top gun, but rather a very competitive applicant for Canadian friendly DO schools.


You are right. I'm hoping the URM status helps a bit, but there is no guarantee.

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I think you should apply not only ALL these 12 schools but also ALL URM friendly schools even their average MCAT is 35+, because your URM status, I think you have Better chance than me even my MCAT is higher than you. But this is just my opinion, your niche is URM.


Thanks for your input. I have two options I'm considering right now:


1) Start graduate school in the fall. Write the new mcat at some point this year or early next year (hopefully a great score). Then apply to Canadian and U.S. schools during the 2017 cycle. This is a more long term plan, but it will improve chances greatly at schools like UofT and Queens.


2) Right now applying to ontario schools is not an option with my MCAT score except for UofT. So I could apply to US MD schools this upcoming cycle with my weak MCAT and hopefully something sticks. This is the more risky option though imo.



also, graduate school is not something I just thought of today. I've been thinking about graduate school for months now.

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If you're willing to go to the states, I'd focus on the MCAT >>grad school/adding shadowing/anything else you mentioned there

I only say this because it's the only thing that appears to be holding you back-so why worry  about all those other things and just fix the only little issue with your current application?

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If you're willing to go to the states, I'd focus on the MCAT >>grad school/adding shadowing/anything else you mentioned there

I only say this because it's the only thing that appears to be holding you back-so why worry  about all those other things and just fix the only little issue with your current application?


Do you think rewriting the mcat on Jun 19th and submitting AMCAS in June would be fine? April and May spots are filled up in my city. I also want to give myself enough time to make sure I do well this time. And you're right, it seems like the MCAT is the last barrier I need to overcome for US schools since my GPA and EC's are solid.

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