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Kaplan Or Tpr For Mcat 2015 Prep?


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Hi everyone, 


I've written the old MCAT multiple times and previously prepared with a TPR course and EK books. I found both very helpful and I think the course was really key for keeping me on track and providing materials. This summer I need to write the new MCAT, and I'm looking into taking a course as well (I figure even though I've done an MCAT course before, it will be critical to do one for the new test since it will be fairly different). 


I had a good experience with TPR before, but Kaplan is also a reputable company and they seem to have a better selection of classes in terms of dates and times in Toronto. Wondering if anyone has taken Kaplan before and if they have been happy with it? Any advice on Kaplan vs TPR?


I will also likely buy the new EK set since their stuff is always great. 





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Christ, I feel sorry that you have to write it so many times :(. It must be really draining, and money consuming. Good luck, the 2015 will be my second write as well, as for companies and courses, I don't think I can help you there as I self study. Definitely look around for reviews on google, and just wait for a reply on here. Could always wait for when companies start teaching the new material for the April/May writers? Best of luck!

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Thanks. Yeah, I was able to do well on my final attempt at the old one but since I am applying again I think it is smart to just get to 2015 one out of the way (especially while I am in grad school and in "school mode", rather than next year when I will be working and less willing to study for it!). Which books will you use to self-study? Best of luck to you as well!


I have a feeling all of the companies are comparable, it's all just a game of marketing etc. Since Kaplan has some better times and dates, might go with them...


Any more input on this? What are other 2015 writers doing?



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