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Uhh sorry if this has been posted! I wanted to know how you would advise someone who has not taken biochem in school how to prepare for the MCAT.


Youtube videos? Learning everything from scratch (i.e. pick up a biochem textbook and start learning?)? Or just jump into prep books (if so why or with which company?). Thank you. 

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I used EK and though they were okay, there wasn't nearly enough detail.  Even though you haven't taken a biochem course, you've probably encountered a lot of what qualifies as biochem in your first year bio courses.  Stuff like glycolysis and kreb cycle should be familiar topics, but now you're required to know every step including products, reactants, enzymes and carbon positions.  A bichem textbook might be overkill... a large part of the biochem is about metabolism. New topics might include fatty acid, cholesterol, and amino acid metabolism.  Khan academy actually looks like they've got good prep material for biochem (some of which aren't technically biochem, but they're all covered in the MCAT)

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