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Discrepancies in transcript

Guest moetheshmoe

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Guest moetheshmoe

Is it necessary to explain any discrepances in your transcript within your autobiographical essay? For example, I have a voluntary withdrawal on my transcript. Although I have contacted individual schools and found out that this will not jeopardize my application, should I still explain why I dropped out of that particular class? Or should I just not mention it and wait for them to bring up the issue?

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Personally, I think that a withdrawal in a single course is something that you don't have to mention unless you really, really want to. It's no big deal. I had a much bigger discrepancy on my transcript. With respect to my Toronto and Queen's application essays, I completely ignored it, was asked about it in my interviews, and that seemed to be good enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest frankie



You stated that you were asked about your transcripts during your Queen's interview. Hmmm... Their documentation states that the interviewers don't have access to your transcripts. Do they? I'm counting on them not. I had a really, really, really bad start to university nine years ago, but have returned and am doing really well. I am hoping to apply for 2005, based on the fact that they won't know anything other than I made the cut-off based on my two best years. Can you clarify?




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Guest peachy

I had a weak start to university as well, and was asked about it. I really thought at the time that I hadn't written about it anywhere in my sketch etc, and that they were asking about my transcripts. But it's entirely possible that I'm remembering wrong! Maybe they were just asking why I switched programs, though I certainly thought (and answered the question as if) they were asking about the weak grades.


Hey, in any case, I explained about not having done well then, etc, and they accepted me anyways, so I wouldn't worry about it too much :)

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Guest frankie



Thanks for the comments, and vote of confidence. Let's just say that my transcripts really couldn't get much worse that they were... BTW, I don't recommend leaving university without informing the registrar's office at the end of second year...after a not-so-great first year. Needless to say, a big fat row of F's.


Since then...about a 90% average, after going to college for a year, working as a paramedic for 4 and then returning to university full time. I don't mind explaining the lack of focus, determination, etc., and how I really wasn't ready for med school, needed to grow up first, etc. That's the reason for the change / time off. However, I really would like to avoid having to say "I failed out of university." I am a little concerned about that yes/no question on the OMSAS application, as well as the idea of any interviewer getting my transcripts... Yikes!


Your suggestions / experiences are helpful! (BTW, has anyone got in after checking "yes" to that failing out question?)


Here's hoping,


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Guest drews97

trust me, during the interview at Queen's the interviews DO NOT have access to your transcripts nor will they have ever seen them before! And, what's more, as long as you've made the cut-offs your marks are no longer important (unless you're still taking courses in which case you may need to be conscious of your final year marks). Good luck.

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Guest frankie

Thanks for the reassurance! Yes, I'm still taking courses now, but pulling all As and A+s. It was those ones from several years ago that are on the opposite end of the scale...




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