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Questions For Top 3 Resume

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I have 2 questions; one about my TOP 3 work experience, one about my TOP 3 volunteering:


1) For the TOP 3 volunteering of my resume, will they call my verificators ? If so, do they ask them for commentaries about me ? Because one of them doesn't like me so I would like to make sure; in that case, whould I let this volunteering experience ? (or myabe should I talk to this verificator before to make sure he will say nice things about me).


I actually have another question for my TOP 3  work experience. I have 1 internship in radiology hospital, and 2 internships in engineering companies. But I was thinking of replacing one of the engineering companies by my tennis instructor experience. What do you think ? Is it a good idea, or should I let the 2 engineering companies (maybe it's more impressive) ? (I didn't do the exactely the same jobs in both engineering companies).


Thanks a lot!

PS: Sorry for my broken english; I actually apply to the french stream :P 

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People who don't like you can be snakes. Such people are unreliable and definitely not trustworthy. I, therefore, would not put my fate in the hands of someone who may well try to sink me, no matter how sweetly this person may come across when approached by you. Therefore, I would never give this person's name as my verifier, I would err on the side of caution. It is unlikely that they will ask for commentaries about you, however, this person may volunteer about how poor your attitude was, etc.


You have a balancing act. Assuming this one person is your only potential verifier for this volunteering position, you run a risk. I would leave it out rather than take the risk.


Regarding your other question, it is about what you learned, what you contributed, demonstrating the CanMEDS competencies that they are looking for. Nothing is impressive per se. It is how you market yourself in the narrative. In making an informed decision, why not list on a piece of paper, those CanMEDS competencies you demonstrated in each.  

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