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Economics majors?

Guest Littlebantha

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Guest Littlebantha

Hi there,


I'm just wondering if there are any economics majors out there applying to medical school?


Is there any special adivce that anyone would give to arts majors planning to apply to medical school?

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Guest PerfectMoment

for the millionth time. it doesn't matter if you've got a BA. If you've got all your prereqs and did well on your MCATs, then you should have the same problems and hurdles to acceptance as any other degree holder. you're not the first econ major, and not the definitely not the last.



sorry. i really didn't mean to sound so harsh. it's just that this question, and variations on it are asked sooooooo often. you're bound to see a post like it if you look a few pages back. or search the archives.

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Guest UWOMED2005

Yeah, this is the second time this question has been asked for economics in the last 3 months. My question is why aren't English, Poli Sci, Sociology, Comparitive Religion, and Philosophy students asking this?


Western's 2005 class has a economics/poli sci grad in our class, btw. So not only is it possible. . . but it actually happens.

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