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Half Life Calculation/formula


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I've seen the formula A=Ao(1/2)^(t/h) given for half life and I forgot how to solve for t! Any ideas?


If you guys have any other better ways for half life problems please post below! :) thanks!

Might have been easier to google, but hey why not :P I assume you're given all other variables?


If so, first divide both sides by Ao, You'll be left with A/Ao=(0.5)^t/h 


Now, apply the natural logarithm (ln on your calculator), to both sides of your equation. You'll now have ln(A/Ao)=(t/h)(ln0.5)


Now, divide (ln0.5) from both sides of the equation. you'll be left with N=t/h (where N = [ln(A/Ao)]/ln(0.5)])


Now multiply both sides by h. voila, you have time, t. :)

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