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Study Strategy For The New Mcat


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So, for the new MCAT, a lot of people are having trouble on the soc/psych section. I don't have any background on these sections but I took some liberal courses on them and enjoyed the topics very much!


Here's my plan to study:

I'm taking the official AAMC outline from their website and making my own notes from various sources (mainly the KHAN academy videos). Then, I'm going to obviously memorize the sections once they're neatly and concisely written down on paper...


Did anyone try my strategy? Was it helpful?


Thanks in advance...

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I actually used your strategy for a while and checked off the topics that I did go through - and I found it to be very helpful ... mainly because it keeps you organized - and I love checking stuff off haha. 

The princeton review book is VERY detailed (too much useless detail a lot of the times) but it follows the AAMC outline pretty closely. Kaplan is less detailed than Princeton but still does the trick. EK is not detailed enough but their vocab list at the end of each chapter is nice to go through. I used all three test preps and went through kaplan twice and princeton twice and made sure I knew all the key definitions (the bolded terms in the books) meant and how they can be utilized (put these vocabs into context!!!). I watched a lot of youtube explanations of the terms that the books didn't really do a good job of explaining or i personally found diff understanding - I am more of a visual learner and Khan academy does a good job at that. 


Overall I found the AAMC FL to be the most representative and EK FL was pretty good too. Contrary to most people's thoughts, I though Kaplan Psych/Sociology was not bad either!


Actual MCAT: again contrary to what people say - imo it was a lot of recall  of terms and prominent experiments and figures in psych and sociology. Before the test day I got my sister to test me on all the psych and sociology terms which HELPED ALOT! Also flash cards are key for bio and psych. 


Overall: This applies to any science section on the MCAT but the more you go through and apply the material your marks will have no where to go but up. I got a 131 on my psych on the actual MCAT but I went through princeton, EK and Kaplan twice to get that score and did like 10 practice tests. I took a 1st year psych course 3 years ago so I was basically starting off from scratch so its def douable. Good luck! 

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