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Need Some Advice!

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Hey guys,


So I am applying to Ottawa and McMaster this cycle and just need some help with my OMSAS application before I submit it


- I am currently doing a 16 month MSc (started in September), this is a course-based MSc, but I happen to also be doing a wetlab thesis (I am really close with my supervisor of the program and my supervisor of my wetlab)

- I talked to BOTH my supervisor of the program and the wetlab, and they both have ENCOURAGED me to apply this cycle 


So, my EXACT question is this - under the post-secondary education, it asks me for my START date and END date of my MSc....


START DATE: September 2015


END DATE: _______________


So, not sure if I should put December 2016 here (to show that its 16 months). I want to be 100% honest with admissions, but I am scared they will disqualify me for putting December? Or should I be safe and put August 2016?


BUT, I have permission to apply and to end this program early if I do get accepted this year (my supervisors are willing to let me end early because I am exempted from a lot of courses and already have data for my thesis).


Can anyone lend some advice or tips - has anyone else been in this situation before and applied successfully?


ANY ADVICE would be DEEPLY appreciated!

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I agree, its not a big deal. It wont make you or break you. Your sketch and gpa are in good shape so I hope you get an interview. At this point, CASPer is your biggest hurdle I believe. 


Im rooting for you, dont let me down MDHopefulyMe :P

Thank you so much, I can guarantee you that if I reach the interview stage, surely I will not let you down SlumdogMD (at least I'll try really hard not to) :P 

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