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Why Do People Who Go To Ubc Have So Much Money?


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Completely disagree. Complete disregard for provision of shelter which is a basic right.

Not everyone can or should afford (via mortgages and debt) to own a billionaire's mansion if it is outside their means. However, citizens of a country need a roof over their heads. Otherwise, why have accessible housing projects at all. Lets just let the poor live on the streets.

You want members of the population of a country to sleep on the street?


If foreign investors see something in Vancouver that they like, let them immigrate legally, let them buy a home and live in it and work here and pay taxes on their hard earned millions. That's one elephant in the room. Would be nice to see how legal all this money is. But hey, our government doesn't care. You can make billions operating a sex trafficking ring but hey come spend it in Vancouver :)

Haha spending a couple hundred thousand on real estate is not a human right. Shelter does not equal buying real estate. In my post the tough pill to swallow I was referring to is renting. But it seems like middle class people have major problems with renting whereas lower class people such as my family don't mind so much because lower class people were never going to buy a house anyways. Interesting. It's funny that you made the jump from buying a house straight into living on the streets, and completely bypassing renting, as if either that is some sort of awful death sentence or it didn't even cross your mind that families actually have to rent.


Also China is an economic powerhouse that is rivaling the US. Funny that people like to assume that all the money that comes from there is dirty money, whereas the probability is that those people are just successful businessmen/women who made their millions in an honest way. All of the wealthy chinese people I know made their millions as honest buisnesspeople.


Edit: Also since when is everyone so entitled that they have to be within the city of vancouver? I have zero sympathy for people who think they are too good for the suburbs and are unwilling to move to there. No one has a right to live on the west side of Vancouver. If it is for affluent people then it will be determined by market forces, and that is the economy and society we live in.

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I have conducted a lot of research and was wondering why racism is always screamed when addressing this topic?


If you look at real racism happening in the world such as in the Gaza strip/israel and palstine, the middle east, jordan, tribal groups in africia, etc this shouldn't even been an issue... Seems to trivialize the real problems in world by a lot of people screaming racisim here...


This is a very interesting city indeed.

Wow. So basically you are saying that because no one in this thread is trying to kill people, that the racism "shouldn't even be an issue"? So are you thinking that everything below what is happening in Gaza is simply acceptable racism? lol what kind of research were you doing? That may be one of the worst arguments I've ever heard. The racism is still very apparent in Vancouver. Not your fault though, it is one of those things that you would only know if either you had a close friend experience it or if you experienced it yourself.

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Wow. So basically you are saying that because no one in this thread is trying to kill people, that the racism "shouldn't even be an issue"? So are you thinking that everything below what is happening in Gaza is simply acceptable racism? lol what kind of research were you doing? That may be one of the worst arguments I've ever heard. The racism is still very apparent in Vancouver. Not your fault though, it is one of those things that you would only know if either you had a close friend experience it or if you experienced it yourself.

have you gone bonkers in political correctness?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you never watch television? I don't think it was your intent to be racist but you do need to be a bit careful with your words.

Very very minimal besides HNIC, NFL, olympics, and other sports. Growing up academics, athletics, church, etc took up most of my time and my parents definitly limited my screen time.


I cannot wait to go back home during christmas break.

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