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Opinions On Orpas Gpa?

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Hi all,


I plan on applying to PT programs at UofT, Queens, Western, and Mac (in province) during the Fall 2016 cycle. I'm aware that GPA is arguably the most important part of the application and if all goes well for this year, my ORPAS gpa would be at a 3.84.


It's a bit annoying because I have mainly A's or A+'s and my gpa is being dragged down by the one B that I got.. I'm considering taking more courses to erase it completely, as it makes a huge difference.


Anyway, I was wondering if based on GPA alone, do you think I have a chance at gaining an interview/CAP invite, or better yet an acceptance? If my GPA is a bit on the low side, do you think loads of PT-related experience would make up for it?


Might be hard to tell, but any answers would be much appreciated!

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if you only got one B, you might want to consider repeating that one course and getting an A+. That should raise your GPA. some schools take an average of the two grades while others take the most current grade for the same course. You should contact the schools to find out. Also, this would be much cheaper than taking more courses. However, if counting backwards, the course in which u obtained a B would be eliminated completely by taking one or two more courses, then it might be better to take new courses that you are confident you will excel in. That said, your GPA is not that low. The interview cut off fell around your GPA cutoff so you could get an interview or get in. Having work or volunteer experience as well will help you especially for the Queens application. This is just my opinion. Good luck. 

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