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Im Specs Without In Patients


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  • 2 weeks later...

In theory, all IM specialties can do without inpatient work.


Rheum, endo, allergy, occupational medicine, General IM are traditionally found doing purely outpatient.


You can certainly do that in resp doing pure outpt seeing asthma/copd/ild/sleep and doing pfts, sleep studies. But the thing is you'd have to pay for your own pfts, sleep lab etc. If you want to use hospital resources, there is some expectation you will join the local IM group and take IM call and be expected to do inpatient consults.



Also, nothing stops GI/cardio/nephro guys from just opening up an office and taking consults from family MDs. That said, what is GI without scoping capabilities? what is nephro without dialysis units, what is cardio without an echo lab/cath? Might as well be GIM and see all GI/nephro/cardio patients and send them away to the hospital when they need scopes, dialysis and echos etc. Ya understand?

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