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Hi guys. So the time is now approaching for us to start thinking about the CASPer test. I was wondering if any of you had any resources you'd like to share regarding preparation. Any brand name you recommend buying mock tests from. Thank you for the help.

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I read Doing Right by Philip Hebert. Its gives you an idea of how to approach ethical problems. Aside from that, I did all the free practice tests/questions I could find to get the timing down (initially I would not get to the last question of some prompts). I don't think there are too many practice tests that give you free answers...good luck! 

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APE? What about how to improve your score? Are there any books or guides that tell you how to make a good response? Also, are there any tests that give you your score as well?


APE gave me my score like 10 days afterwards. It's all pretty high quality... the only complaint that I have is that they don't really tell you -how- to improve. Like, they'll tell me that my critical reasoning is lacking compared to my empathy, but not explicitly what to do better in the future.



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