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Reference Letters- Can Referees Get A Copy Of Reference Letter They Sent In The Previous Years?

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Hi everyone,


I am recycling my application from last year, and I will be using the same referees I used last year. One of my referees was telling me that she was wondering whether  it is possible for U of C to send her a copy of the reference letter she sent last year because that would save her some time. So, instead of writing a new one from scratch, she will just add more information to the old one. Would it be okay to ask for the reference letter from last year?


Thanks :)

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A friend did this for one of her referees (at the referee's request).  You will have to sign an "Access Request Form" and there will be a $20.00 fee to process your request.  I would email admissions as soon as possible as there may be some delay in getting what you need (application deadline approaching, thousands of applicants etc.)

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