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Importance Of Shadowing


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I'm a first time dental applicant and was recently made aware of certain applications asking about formal shadowing experience (i.e. writing an essay for Western explaining why you didn't do any shadowing) and was wondering if this has any significant effect on admissions. Also, would it be more favourable to list such shadowing experiences (even if not extensive) over other volunteer/EC items on schools with an ABS like McGill, Western, etc?

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Personally I believed for my year, the shadowing part was not as significant as it will be this year. In fact, I think this year they will be much more critical about your shadowing hours because last year was the first time they asked us about this without mentioning they would be looking for this the previous year. You didn't have to write an essay if you didn't shadow but you did have to provide a reason for not shadowing. You will have a chance on your application elsewhere to list all your volunteer/EC. I didn't specifically ask anyone how many hours they shadowed, but I know a handful of my classmates who applied to American school. So they would have done a lot of shadowing since most American schools require at least 100hrs.

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Personally I believed for my year, the shadowing part was not as significant as it will be this year. In fact, I think this year they will be much more critical about your shadowing hours because last year was the first time they asked us about this without mentioning they would be looking for this the previous year. You didn't have to write an essay if you didn't shadow but you did have to provide a reason for not shadowing. You will have a chance on your application elsewhere to list all your volunteer/EC. I didn't specifically ask anyone how many hours they shadowed, but I know a handful of my classmates who applied to American school. So they would have done a lot of shadowing since most American schools require at least 100hrs.

So would the negative impression be from having to explain why you didn't do any shadowing or not having shadowing as a part of your ABS? I don't have any shadowing experience mainly due to difficulty of finding a dentist who is willing, but if I were to do that between now and when the applications are due I don't think it would be significant enough to list on my ABS over other activities.

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I'm a first time dental applicant and was recently made aware of certain applications asking about formal shadowing experience (i.e. writing an essay for Western explaining why you didn't do any shadowing) and was wondering if this has any significant effect on admissions. Also, would it be more favourable to list such shadowing experiences (even if not extensive) over other volunteer/EC items on schools with an ABS like McGill, Western, etc?

I'm applying to McGill dentistry this year as well and I'm choosing not to include any dental shadowing in my CV because I don't find it meaningful or extensive enough. I can only speak for myself but it would feel like padding to me. I'm just choosing to highlight any or other experiences that I think may be pertinent for a career in dentistry. Go with your gut!

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For my year I can confirm it was not important as I have 0 hours of shadowing, but since they added the auto sketch I think they are trying to focus more on ECs and shadowing is part of that. Still, if you have something substantial for EC and can show commitment and other professional values I think you'll be ok.

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So would the negative impression be from having to explain why you didn't do any shadowing or not having shadowing as a part of your ABS? I don't have any shadowing experience mainly due to difficulty of finding a dentist who is willing, but if I were to do that between now and when the applications are due I don't think it would be significant enough to list on my ABS over other activities.

Honestly, I don't know, but either way you'll have to explain yourself if you don't do any shadowing or only did a few hours. There will be a section on the ABS that specifically ask you if you have shadowed a dentist. If I were you I would try to get in some hours and then explain that you couldn't find a dentist willing to allow you to shadow them. I think that is a very reasonable explanation because dentists may feel uncomfortable having a student watch their every move!


About the ABS, we just learned a bit more about the admission process for this year and I can say for certain there was no gpa cuttoff for our interview. Our professor told us that people with a gpa as low as 81% had a interview because their ABS was very impressive and that they were shocked that the students with high gpa did not have an impressive ABS. They think that may be the reason why our class is more filled with graduate students compared to previous years. The average age is 24 but there are 2 PhD and I think 13/15 master's students. So I think for this year, your ABS will be very important, and like what pyzhou said, show them those skills and commitment through your activities on your ABS.

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