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out of province success rate?

Guest byjude

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Guest byjude

The OOP consideration process seems pretty vague. I understand that few seats are awarded to non-Manitobans, and I'll bet a ton of OOP applicants apply, but are there any stats available? Does the same weighting count for OOP applicants (AGPA only 10% which means that it's a huge crapshoot for someone writing MCAT this summer and biographical/reference weighting obviously hard to predict?)

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Guest jackiedirks

I'm not sure exactly what the stats are- you can get them off the website- but it seems as though once you are granted an interview here your chances of getting in are raised to approximately the same as an in province student with an interview- a little less than half of whom are interviewed are offered a spot.

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Guest malepatternbaldness

When I interviewed last weekend I asked Beth Jennings of the Admissions office about the percentage of OOP interviewees that are accepted. She said that in past years between 50 and 75% of OOP interviewees were eventually offered admission.

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Guest byjude

hmm.. but what decides whether OOP applicants get that golden interview?


Is it the same formula, 10% academic, 40% MCAT, 50% personal qualities? In that case, does Manitoba have a different view of OOP applicants (in most provinces you would need a high GPA as an OOP, but in Manitoba the emphasis seems to be more on the non-academic).


What about MCAT, is there a "cutoff" per se?

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Guest coastal79

As far as I know, whether one gets an interview is dependent soley upon MCAT and AGPA, with the former obviously being much more important.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ManitobaMed

For OOP, I believe the MCAT cut-off is determined by the pool of applicants. Generally, it's around 10.5 (or 10.5 to 11, if you prefer a range).


And, unless something has changed, interviews are indeed determined by MCAT and AGPA.

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Guest pjdavis

Hey everyone,


I'm not sure if anyone has advice on the U of M interview. This is my first time applying OOP and my second time applying to med school. Any info on the school, types of questions, etc.


Also, I'm thinking of doing the MOTP program. Does anyone have any information on this, and can you start in first year medical school?



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Guest deeds16

Once you are given an interview at U of M as an OOP applicant based on the cutoffs (OOP AGPA of around 3.9 and MCAT of around 10.5), are you then placed in the same pool as Manitoba resident applicants for further assessment or are you still looked at as an OOP.

I ask this, as I barely made the cutoffs for OOP, and if I'm judged solely with the OOPs, regardless of how well I do in the interview...I'm pretty much close to doomed.

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Guest byjude

I'm not sure the answer to your question, deeds, but regardless of the answer, you probably fare a good chance as an OOP with an interview regardless, if the success rate is (as stated above) 50-75%. There are few spots, but most OOPs who succeed in receiving interviews and performing well as an OOP end up getting accepted at home as well - and most choose to stay there. So the waitlist moves a LOT from what I've heard.


Of course - it would still be nice to be as close to the top of that list. :) So - hopefully someone else knows better than I how that works exactly.

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Guest deeds16

Thanks for the optimism byjude; I really appreciate that :) . This is the only Canadian school wonderful enough to give me an interview...so I can't afford to mess up. Anyway, hopefully everything will work out.

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