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Increased U of M enrollment?

Guest Ian Wong

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Guest caught in the system

Most people that applied to Manitoba this year are or should already be aware that additional spots have been offered this year. Actually it was announced just after the admissions deadline last November. These fifteen extra spots will not still be opening up to the best of my knowledge as they have already been filled. The breakdown of the 85 spots went something like 13 out of province, 8 special consideration, 60 regular category, 4 deferals from last year.


P.S. I heard that 4 offers had been made by about a week ago to the regular category waiting list. Has anyone heard anything else?

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Guest caught



I heard the same thing from the receptionist. The 4 spots offered to the regular category info came from the registrar directly. You have to contact him to get any info. Are you on the waiting list? If you contact him by email(registrar_med@umanitoba.ca) to check on the waiting list movement please let us know what you hear. I wasn't going to contact him for an update for at least another week probably more. (as I don't want to be a pest). He promptly responded to my email last week regarding the above information.



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hey caught,


yeah, i'm on the waiting list. even though the waitinglist 'has not moved', i'm curious as to how many people have been offered admission so far. on the letter that told me my rank, it also said that 15-20 people have been removed from the list in the last several years......but the way things are going right now, i have no idea how many people they'll end up calling.


do you know if waitlist offers are made by phone or by mail?


take care and good luck,



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Guest still caught



I think I need to clarify. From the sounds of it you got the same letter I did but with a different ranking I did. My letter also went on to say in recent years 15 to 20 people have been offered.... and then the next line says of course there are no guarentees ..... blah blah blah! I asked for clarification on whether the 15 to 20 offers were made to just the regular category waiting list or if those numbers were total offers made to all the waiting lists (including special consideration category and out of province waiting lists). They confirmed that the 15 to 20 offers refered to were to the regular category waiting list only, which should mean good news if your on the waiting list. RIGHT???


I'm not sure what you mean in you last response by the waiting list 'has not moved'. It has moved 4 spots on the regular category waiting list as of a week and a half ago. (confirmed by the registrar C. Paragg, I swear) That would mean 60 + 4 offers have been made in total for 60 regular category spots. Are you in the top 4 and haven't heard anything yet or somthing? Why do you say 'has not moved? Do you know something we don't?


As far as how do they contact us I believe it's all by mail. I haven't heard of anyone being contacted any other way.


Also I've heard that most of the movement occurs later closer to the first day of school.


Good luck to you to!

Please keep me posted if you hear anything! This waiting is ugly.

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how's it goin' caught?


I'm actually an out of province student. I'm not sure whether this means I am on a different waiting list than you are - regardless, the "15-20" deal also applied to the letter I received in the mail. I'd love to tell you that I'm ranked in the top four but I'm not. Instead, I am near ten. So really, I don't know something that others are not aware of.......when I said 'the list has not moved', I was just reciting what the receptionist told me. Or even if the list has moved, this may only apply to the regular category list as opposed to the out of province waitlist. The best thing to straigten out this mess would be to personally speak to C. Paragg - he's very friendly and informative (from my experience). I'll probably try next week.


Based on what you said, I find it very interesting that most of the movement occurs close to the first day of classes. Why do you think this is (do people defer or withdraw at the last moment, or do people who got accepted into other schools wait until the end to decide where they are going)? Also, do you know when classes begin?


Yeah, you're absolutely right about the wait - it sucks!.......I guess we just gotta grin and bear it.



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Guest caught

Hi jc,


Being out of province does put you on another waiting list. In fact it sounds like you're sitting at about the same rank as I am. On the good side for you is that the out of province waiting list moves more than the in province list.This is usually because most of you guys have applied to more than one school and also because out of province applicants that go as far as you have usually have lots to offer (gpa, mcats, etc) and so get offers from multiple schools. (therefore more movement)

I meant that most of the movement occurs later in the summer, say the last two to three weeks before classes start. I would guess that the movement is late because some of the students already accepted at u of m are on waiting lists elsewhere. There is apparently ten days to two weeks to respond to an offer so you can see that the entire process can become very time consuming.

The first day of classes is August 27 and the last day to accept students to the class of 2005 is September 2. I'm not sure why September 2(sunday) but that was the date that was given to me. I'm also not sure if this date is accurate for out of province applicants too or not.

Question for you... What are you doing about the August 2001 MCAT? Are you writing or not? Being that we're both on the verge of almost getting in or almost not getting in are you planning to write the MCAT for insurance for next year in case things don't workout this time around?


still caught!

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Hey Caught,


Unless I get in by the 18th, I will write the MCAT again. With this sort of outlook, I initially found it difficult to sit down and study - but I've convinced myself that nothing with resect to admissions is for certain this year so just to be on the safe side, I will study. For now, I'm mainly focusing on the verbal reasoning section of the test.....I'll probably hit the physical sciences as well as orgo in early August. I feel that the 'Achilles Heel' of my entire application was by VR score (8) - So I'm trying to read as much as I can and complete many practice passages every day.


How about you? Are you studying or will you start pretty soon?



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Guest caught

hello there jc,


Yeah, me too with the MCAT and me too with the VR achille's heel thing. I'm trying to get going but I wouldn't classify what I've accomplished so far as studying... more like staring at my books for an hour the suddenly getting on the tread mill is looks really appealing.

I'm also focusing on VR by reading difficult, boring material, and doing practice exams. I'm also trying to change my word for word reading style to a faster system but it isn't an easy habit to break.

I'm not sure where you're at but in Manitoba we have been having the most incredible weather for the last month. Studying to all hours after I get home form work especially when I would rather be outside isn't going so well.

I'm using Practice tests (from AAMC) I, II, III, IV and V is on the way. Do you have copies of these to study from?

I spoke to a current U of M student today and she indicated that we both had a great chance of being accepted to u of M based on her experience last year. She also indicated that no one to her knowledge was accepted after the August 27 school start date.

I'm hoping to hear some info back tommorrow or the next day. I'll keep you posted.


Bye for now,


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hey caught,


i tried to get some more information this week but to no avail. have you heard or read about any changes in the waiting list?


as for the mcat, i have all the aamc tests except V (which i will download off the net pretty soon).


Good luck



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Guest caught

I've also tried to get some info on waiting list movement this week. I sent an e-mail on Saturday but have not received a response yet. Both of the contacts I have (Charles and Christie) are on holidays according to their voice mail messages.


I think my attempts at studying for this MCAT are getting worse. It's very difficult to focus.


I'll let you know if I hear anything back.


Bye for now


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Guest Ian Wong

Good luck guys! Keep your chin up for that MCAT; studying sucks in the summer. Hopefully the Ontario schools will all come through with their additional seats and that will open up several spots on the U of M wait-list.



UBC, Med 3

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Guest caught

hi jc,


You still there? Are you in yet? Have you heard anything?


I spoke to a student from last year that said he was 10th on the waiting list and he got in around this time last year. He recalled that they actually did go through the waiting list up to about 19 or so.


There's still hope for us.



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hey there caught,


still waiting although i must say that i'm quite anxious. i spoke with the registrar and he said that he is waiting for a few replies from out of province students.....how many people decline the offers of admission will determine whether or not i will get in. last year, 17 out- of-province students were asked to fill 9 spots......hopefully things work out this year, with the regular category waiting list and the out of province waiting list. i'll let you know if i hear more.


good luck




p.s. how's mcat studying going?

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Guest caught

Good to hear from you jc,


I think things are looking really good for you to get in. Everything that I've heard about the out-of-province waiting list and its movement indicates that you should see an offer. I just can't believe that it takes this long to hear anything. We are only 18 days away from the start of the school year (can you believe it) and neither of us knows anything yet. If this year ends up being like all of the other years as far as waiting list offers then there has to be a lot of movement coming up in the next 2-2.5 weeks. It's hard to imagine that it can still move enough for me to get in. I found out that I'm now sitting at #5.

MCAT studying is not going at all.


Hoping for some kind of movement, anything at all,



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  • 2 weeks later...

i just got the call this morning......i got accepted off the waiting list! Good luck caught......if you haven't already heard, i hope things work out for you.





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Guest Ian Wong

Ha ha! That's awesome! :hat


What a way to cap off an MCAT weekend! :):):)


JC congrats on your acceptance. I'm assuming you'll be attending then, and are probably scrambling right about now to line everything up. You're probably one of the first people in Canada who wrote the August MCAT who now couldn't care less if the AAMC never gets back to you. :D


Once things settle down, please toss me an e-mail, (was it you that I emailed this morning?) because I'd like to ask you to join my project. mdpremie@yahoo.com


Have a great day!



UBC, Med 3


PS: Caught, good luck for you too! There's a lot of flux in the last few days before school starts. I hope everything works out for you as well.

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Guest caught

Hey JC,

That's great! I knew all along that you'd get in. When you said that you got the call, do you actually mean a phone call? What did they say? Who called? etc. etc. Give more details please. What was your response?

I need some info to keep my hopes up. I'm dyin' here.

I called on Thursday and they told me that I was still at #5. This means that the regular category hasn't moved for about 3 weeks at least. That's not good with school starting on the 27th. Although, I ran into someone at the MCAT on the weekend that said that #8 from the regular category was just offered on Friday. ( so maybe I moved up to #3).


Ian, when you said movement still occurs, how much do you mean? The school has said that they will continue to fill the class after school starts (27th) until September 2. This is a Sunday though, it doesn't really make any sense. I never anticipated being the one hanging by a thread this late in the game. It really sucks for lack of a better word (I used up all my good verbage in the WS on the weekend) but I guess at least I still have a chance? Or do I, What do you think?


Caught up!

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hey caught,


charles paragg had tried my house but i wasn't available so he called me at work. i was told that someone decided to cancel yesterday morning......as a result, a space had opened up for me. i accepted the offer of admission.


i don't know what's up with the in-province waiting list but i was initially ranked ninth among out-of-province students back in june. i am flying out to winnipeg tomorrow morning.


hang in there!!! you should probably give Mr. Paragg a shout over the next couple of days to see how things are going. GOOD LUCK (i know how tought waiting is).



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Guest caught

Never mind JC and Ian, I'm in. I got the call this morning around 9:00 A.M. The orientation week is already under way so I've missed a couple of party type events but nothing major.

See you at school JC

Thanks Ian, this site is a great resource and your advice has been great!

You're right I couldn't care less if the AAMC ever gets back to me. It'll be interesting to see if my MCAT increases or....

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Guest Ian Wong

Woo - freaking- hoo!!!!!! :hat :hat :hat


That's awesome! I posted somewhere else about this yesterday, but essentially, there will always be a few people who get cold feet and defer, or others who get into a more favoured university and decline their current acceptance. One of my classmates got the phone call two days before school started.


I'm glad everything worked out for you. I'm even happier that the MCAT no longer means anything. Although it would have been much more satisfying to get the call the morning of the MCAT, so you could walk into the room, sign your name, cackle loudly, and stroll out for a celebratory toast. :)


Caught, I'd love to talk to you as well about this project. Please email me once you're done jumping up and down and celebrating, and all that. mdpremie@yahoo.com





UBC, Med 3

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