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need help regarding grades

Guest VS12

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I didn't do as well this year as I had hoped I initially would. I've got 3.5's for pretty much all of my courses, and I need help/advice regarding what I should do for my next few years. I fully intend on practicing medicine and I won't let something like grades get in the way of that. Now, for my grades...


Bio I - 3.5 (it's actually a full credit course, but i'll list it as I and II. and I may try to coax the dept into giving me a 4.0 because I missed it 1%)

Bio II - 3.5

Calc I - 3.5

Physics I - 3.0

Physics II - 3.5

English I - 4.0 (this is what I'm anticipating... i'm not quite sure really)

English II - 4.0

Chem I - 3.5

Chem II - 4.0 (i'm also anticipating this mark... I'm kinda sketchy on this one though)


I also plan on taking a few courses this summer to ease the courseload for next year. And I intend on getting some 4.5's in those courses because I've heard they're relatively easy, and the material is very familiar from high school.


Now, next year, I was planning on taking human phys, genetics, organic, and biochem. Can I anticipate getting 4's or 4.5's in these courses? Granted, those courses are ridiculously hard, but I think that if I set my mind to it, and work my butt off, I can do it. How will these courses prepare me for the MCAT? Should I switch out one of them for something else, like Microbio perhaps? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Guest jackiedirks

That's a pretty tough call. Are you sure you want to take biochem and organic at the same time? At the U of W biochem is a third year course so people didn't really have the option to do that unless they were super keen- and even the ultra-keeners seemed to have a tough time with taking both at once. I didn't take a human phys course, but animal phys at U of W is monstrous.


Its hard to say what courses you should take- how motivated are you? Are you willing to be a bit of a shut-in this year?

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isn't Biochem a good course to take to prepare for the MCAT? Would I still be able to do relatively well on the MCATs without having taken Biochem yet? Cause I was planning on taking the MCATs the summer after my 2nd year...

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Guest BlackNeon



First actual post on this board. I've been a lurker for a bit.


I'm just finishing up my third year of science at the U of M so the courses you mention are still all fresh in my mind.


The combo of Organic and Biochem in the same year is one that most students try to stay away from. They are two of the toughest courses (Organic 2 more so than 1) and especially so together.

Saying that, I took both in year 2 and did fine in both.. I also took genetics 1, human phys 1 and 2, and microbio all in the same year.


So, it can be done. I came out of it unscathed, but it is a lot of work.


Genetics 1 is a breeze. This as an easy A+ and an even easier A. So feel free to take this with whatever you choose, it should be a GPA booster.

Human Physio is a relatively tough course. Very detailed. You can take it with a lab section or not. It's personal preference. Without a lab section the midterm is worth 40%, the final 60%. With a lab section, the lab is worth something like 20 or 30% but it is work (unlike some of the gimme labs like Organic).

This was probably my favourite course of my University career, only because that's where my interest lies. If you're interested in the subject it should be fine, but it is a "tough course" compared to others.


Compared to Human Physio, Biochem, and Organic 2, Microbiology A and B should come a bit easier.


I took my MCAT the same time you're planning on taking yours. I found that Organic and Biochem 1 helped, but weren't absolutely necessary. Without taking the courses, you would still have to learn the basics as outlined by the topics (as LacticFolly mentioned).. taking them just makes it a bit easier.


Year two in science is supposed to be the year that weeds out the men from the boys. It is a noticeable step up in workload if you take these courses. You have to be motivated to work at it, but if you're set in your goals, you should be fine.


It's very hard to predict what sort of marks you will get in the upcoming year taking these courses. It depends on what kind of study habits you have. You can expect the year to be harder if you take the majority of the courses you listed and you will have to really work for those As. It can be done though!


Good news, year 3 is easier :D



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that was quite helpful.


So how's this sound in terms of courses for next year:

human phys I*II, organic I&II, genetics I&II, and microbioI&II? Those courses should help me in terms of the MCAT eh? Which human phys should I take? I'm leaning towards the one without the lab... I think that'd help tremendously in terms of having more time to do "stuff". And while I'm at it, any profs you recommend for the courses listed? Some of the profs I've had this year have just been so bad... ugh. Anyway, thanks alot.

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Guest BlackNeon

Egad. I just wrote a long response and lost it somehow. Sorry, I don't feel like writing it again at the moment. :lol


I will write an abridged version eventually.


The 1st thing to say is that Genetics 2 has Biochem 2 as a prereq or coreq... so keep that in mind.


I'll discuss the profs and human phys when I'm less ticked off at this message board system. |I



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sweetstuff25

omg!! i just wrote a hugee reply...but it all got deleted after clicking back!!! damn this board aaaaahhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhh....i'm pissssed toooooo!!!!!!!

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Guest Lactic Folly

Yeah, after a few mishaps of that nature, I always ctrl-c my post immediately after writing it. :evil

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