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Chances Of Getting In, In Dental Schools (Canada Wide)?

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Im currently in my 4th year of undergrad at UofT (scarborough). My first two years were horrible in terms of GPA (around 1.8 I'm assuming) but my last two years were relatively higher than 3.0 (depending on which semester, in some semesters I got 3.1 and 3.3 etc) and my overall GPA (cumulate 4 years) would be 2.2 I think atm. However, Ive been searching that they will drop my worse year and that they will consider my best two years (depending on the school). And Ive heard that my courses have to be full course load but my UofT (UTSC) considers 60% full course load (3 per semester) in which I have done, in some semesters I had 4 or 5 courses. So I was planning on taking DENTAL PREP COURSES in the summer (while finishing my last course to graduate) and hopefully apply for November exam or the February exam time. As ive mentioned, my cumulative GPA isn't good looking but my last two years I'm trying really hard to get above 3.5gpa in UofT. I'm trying to apply within Canada dental schools. So what are my chances of getting in? should I do my masters at UofT first and then do the DAT exam or go for it this semester? I feel like its not enough right now cos of my GPA (either my last two years or my cumulative). What are your opinions guys?


Really could appreciate the help.



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You won't get into a Canadian school. I wouldn't waste your time or money on applications or prep courses right now. Even a masters will hardly help. You would have to redo a new bachelors with a full (5 course per semester) courseload and get around 3.8 or higher GPA each year for 3 years and then apply.

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