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Rent/living In Toronto

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May be a bit eager of me, but I figured in my spare time I should start looking into living arrangements considering I want to travel for a bit sometime this summer.


Any medical students at Toronto or anyone else have any advice in terms of finding places to live? Ideally I wouldn't mind a 1-bedroom but I am also game to live with 1-2 other med students to save some $$$.


Any advice on areas in which current students live/websites to do some research etc. would be greatly appreciated!

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I would wait at least until you've been accepted. Then you will be able to see who is interested in roommates etc. There will also be lots of advice from upper years on facebook for new students. This is very premature (and may jinx it a bit if you believe in such things).

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I would wait at least until you've been accepted. Then you will be able to see who is interested in roommates etc. There will also be lots of advice from upper years on facebook for new students. This is very premature (and may jinx it a bit if you believe in such things).


I was mainly doing this for all schools just because I want to get a sense of how much it will cost to live in a certain area. Med school is expensive, and so is living. So figuring out the $$ aspect of living in different cities is important to me and a factor in the decision process. May be pre-mature but also just trying to be proactive and pass time as well :P 

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