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how are verifiers used?

Guest cait

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Hi everyone,


I just have a question about the verifiers that go along with the autobiographical submission. Are these verifiers generally checked? Not because i'm thinking of lying or anything! Just because I wanted to know if their use was like a reference, would they call up the person and ask them about me, or just ask if i participated in the activity I said I did. Let me explain, in my submission I talked about a particular group experience (with other students) for one of my classes, but I don't feel that the professor of the course really knows me all that well. Should I list one of the students who could comment on my work or the professor that could "verify" that I participated in a group?


If this is very confusing I apologize!




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Guest TimmyMax

Hey Cait!


My experience with verifiers is that they generally aren't called up, but just to be safe I have always advised the people I have used as verifiers that being called up is a distinct possibility. In addition, I have advised my verifiers what I've used them to verify (ie: involvement in a music group, etc.), so that in the event they are called up, they have some expectation as to why. As for using a professor vs a colleague in your group experience, I'd go with the person who knows you best and can say good things about you. I know that I have an event I've used where it's been group work with a prof who honestly didn't know me too well and a group member who did know me- I went with the group member. I wouldn't worry too much about verifiers being used as references (isn't that what having references is for?), but I'd take the people that know you best over people who don't know you very well given the choice:) . Good luck!



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