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Question About Worst Year Dropped At Uoft

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"The worst academic year will be dropped from the calculation of an applicant's undergraduate cumulative grade point average provided that  the applicant has completed four or more years of university education by May 31st of the proposed year of entry, and the year with the lowest grades is not the applicant's most recently completed year of study"


I did not have a full course load in first year (4.5 courses not 5.0). Will UofT still drop my worst year? I took summer courses so I will have 4 years worth of credits. Will they automatically drop my first year since it is not full course load. It was not my lowest year but it was almost my lowest and I was wondering if they would apply a penalty or just drop that year. I had about a 3.87 in first year and a 3.86 in second so I was thinking it would be better to have my first year dropped rather than have a penalty applied ideally.  

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No penalty for UofT in terms of course load (and neither for UWO because they won't take your 1st year, they only take 5.0+ course years). Academic years are from Sept - Aug so you may need to recalculate your 1st and 2nd year GPA with your summer courses factored in. In this scenario, assuming your 3rd year is not the worst year, they would drop your 1st or 2nd year (whichever is worse).

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Thanks guys! Regarding factoring in my summer courses, which year would it go under (regarding getting a year dropped) so I took a 1.0 course after first year, and 0.5 after second. Would the one taken after first year factor into my first year GPA or second? What about the one taken after second year? I know for cGPA it wouldn't make a difference but I'm just not sure which year would get dropped then since my course after first year would bring my gpa up to 3.89 if it was factored into my first year gpa. Also just wanted to confirm, so I will still get my worst year dropped at UofT even though i dropped that 0.5 course during my first year? Also I am IP, I wasn't sure how great a chance I would have at UofT because it seems they really favour people with higher 3.9s, I also haven't written my DAT yet though. 

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"Would the one taken after first year factor into my first year GPA or second?" First.


"What about the one taken after second year?" Second.


"Also just wanted to confirm, so I will still get my worst year dropped at UofT even though i dropped that 0.5 course during my first year?" Yes.


"Also I am IP, I wasn't sure how great a chance I would have at UofT because it seems they really favour people with higher 3.9s, I also haven't written my DAT yet though." Do your best on DAT and apply. High 3.8s get interviews every so often and low 3.9s get interviews quite often.


Good luck!

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