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OOP applicants

Guest MACbetty

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Guest MACbetty

Hi to all


This is my first time posting on the site, although i have read many of the posts in the last couple weeks. Very informative. Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies.


I'm a geographical status 2 applicant to MAC (I've lived in Toronto for about one year and it's my first time applying to medical school). I was wondering what my overall chances are as an out of province applicant? On average, how many OOP applicants are interviewed/accepted each year? Does MAC give consideration to the fact that i now live in Ontario?


Some friends have said that being OOP increases my chances of getting into MAC because there are so few applicants in the OOP pool that it is easier to stand out and shine. Can anyone corroborate this or are my friends just being kind. I appreciate any comments. (FYI: i'm in my early 30's with an average GPA from undergrad, i have a graduate degree with a high GPA, and I have been working for about 4 years in my current profession; i'm married with no kids).


Thank you in advance.


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Guest cradlecrotch

As far as I understand it, OOP applicants are in the same applicant pool as anyone else, therefore you won't have any extra opportunity to stand out. In fact, you must demonstrate yourself to be superior to an Ontario applicant...sorry to disappoint. Only international applicants are considered as a separate applicant group.

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Guest Tartuffe



Could anyone tell me, what it means to be superior to Ontario resident… is it only regarding the GPA or the overall? :o


I have to admit that I am a bit concern on that point since I did my undergrad abroad and the marking system was very different from Canada. I mean by that with 60% I was ahead of my class. I did my Master in Canada and graduated with a GPA of 95% (3.8) .


Omsas said that my undergrad transcripts were non-convertible, is that mean that I will be automatically rejected from Mac?


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Guest macdaddyeh



I don't think anyone meant to slight anyone else by using the term "superior" although I might have used a more choice phrase.


By "superior," it is likely noted that it is already a great challenge (and honour) to be granted the coveted Mac interview if one is simply an Ontario resident. To fall outside the Ontario residence category and still get an interview is a sign that your application must have some superb (ie. "superior") meritorious value. Correct me if I am wrong fellow posters.


Notwithstanding your international credentials, which I don't see as being detrimental, if you have done a masters and have the excellent marks that you say you do, I think you would make a great applicant....Too bad I am not on the adcom. I'm just a fellow applicant.


My understanding on "non-convertible" is that international systems of grading vary to such a degree from the common 4 point north american (Canadian) grade scale that it was not possible to have your grades converted to the OMSAS scale. As a result your grades will be assessed on an individual basis (and likely needed to be translated or explained in detail).


PS.. Where did you study?

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Guest jmh2005

If your degree is non-convertible, they will assign you the mean GPA of the applicant pool. Nothing else changes, you still need a very good autobiographical sketch to interview.


P.S. In terms of OOP applicants there are only 8 or 9 in my class of 138, they don't take a tonne, however as was stated everyone is lumped together and I believe they take the top however many OOP applicants (I could only guess here...) and interview them and choose only a few as stated above.


Please contact admissions directly for more info. Sorry I can't be of more help.



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Guest Tartuffe

Wow, you are so fast to provide answers!! I cross my fingers hoping that the mean of the applicant pool is very high with an extra-small sigma. I also hope that I will not drown in the applicant pool.


Macdaddyeh, I studied in France.

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Guest macdaddyeh



Pas du tout. J'ai imagine que vous aviez etudie en France avec un nom comme "Tartuffe." Je vous souhaite bonne chance! Vas-tu poser ta candidature a McMaster seulement?

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Guest Tartuffe

Oui malade Imaginaire m'a semblé un peu long :lol


Je veux sincérement étudié a Mac, en France j'ai recu ma formation scientifique dans un programme très similaire à Mac. C'était beaucoup de travail mais beaucoup de satisfactions.


Cette année est ma deuxième tentative, si j'échoue je considère écrire le MCAT et prendre les cours de bio requis par les autres universités. Mais bon je viens d'avoir 30 ans le temps m'est compté

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Macdaddyeh & Tartuffe,


Je vous souhaite beaucoup de succes avec vos demandes d'admission. Moi aussi je veux aller à McMaster (j'ai envoyé ma demande d'admission cette année aussi). Moi je suis un des jeunes (j'ai 22 ans) qui veut être medecin. Macdaddyeh, est-ce que tu es francophone? Moi je suis anglophone mais j'ai fait mes études primaire et secondaire dans un programme d'immersion française. Jusqu'à date, j'ai trouvé que ma connaissance des deux langues officiels ma aidé beaucoup (je travail dans un centre d'appel où j'assiste des clients francophone). J'espère que ça va impressioner McMaster aussi!



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Guest Tartuffe

Felicitation pour ton bilinguisme. I am sure it gives (will give)you an edge at U of O but I do not know about Mac.


Another question: among the moderators is there somebody who is interested in working or has already worked in rural area?


I read in McLean that Mac has some students in rural communities (doing clerkship?) and that they were able to access different resources through the web.


Does anybody have more info?



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Guest macdaddyeh

Tartuffe et Cedrin:


Vive le francais! Quelle dommage; je suis anglophone! I concur with Tartuffe that one's facility with French would be most advantageous for Ottawa. It might be of interest to both of you to apply to Canada's newest medical school, The Northern Ontario Medical School, when it opens in 2004! I forget the website now but there are other threads about it elsewhere; it has an explicit "francophone" mandate. Tartuffe, in answering your question, this school will also fall within your parameters of rural medicine. Anyways, we may be getting off topic here.....:P


Jusqu'a la prochaine fois..

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Guest jmh2005

Hey folks,


If you have any questions about the "rural" focus can you start a new thread with those questions you posed and I'll try to answer them later today?


P.S. I do not have any info on the number of OOP applicants, nor the number of interviews granted to OOPs, I don't believe that data is common knowledge, sorry!




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