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Yikes, I think I may have screwed up my OGS


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I applied for an OGS at Western University and for some reason, just after I had my two references submit their reference letter, I realized by "2 academic references" they may have meant professors that can expand upon your academic skills in the classroom. One of my reference letters came from a professor and the other one from a research supervisor in which I worked with for 3 years and got 3 publications from. Would a research supervisor still be considered academic? Wouldn't it make sense to have a research supervisor give you a reference for a grant for research rather than 2 professors that can only speak to your ability to learn in a classroom setting only?

Bottom line is... can I get away with having 1 professor and 1 research supervisor as my two academic reference letters? :(

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Is your supervisor not a professor (research supervisors are actually more likely to be professors than the people who lecture in courses, since they're often sessional instructors or FSOs)? Unless you were doing research for a private company, a referee speaking to your success in an academic pursuit like research is the most 'academic' reference you could possibly have. It is certainly the most relevant because an OGS wants to know whether or not you're capable of doing research since classroom learning is a very small and relatively inconsequential component of thesis-based grad studies.

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