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Potential Interview Conflict

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Hey guys, I just realized that I may have a potential interview conflict with McMaster. My interview at McMaster was scheduled for March 18th. Unfortunately, I may also receive an interview from the University of Alberta, which takes place on March 17th and March 18th. What should I do? Should I let them know right now, or should I wait until February to see if I even have an interview with U of A? 

Thank you. 

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If you get an interview and it's conflicting:

1) contact both schools to let them know there is a conflict

2) If either school if willing to switch dates, great. If UofA interview is switched to 17th, you book the earliest ticket back to make it for McMaster's interview on the 18th. If that is not preferable/feasible, call McMaster to see if they'd reconsider. If they won't/it's not feasible go to step 3.

3) You decide which school you want to interview at.

Easier said than done, but VERY straight forward.

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