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orientation and fees?

Guest krismd

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Guest krismd

hey all,


just wondering if anyone can give me an idea of when our orientation packages are coming out? i can't wait to get it and see what they have planned for us!!!


also, as someone who's never received osap before, how does it work? our deadline for tuition payment is august 25th, but osap doesn't come out until september. so do we simply pay tuition then get a personal cheque back?


lastly, i've read on here about paying for school through a credit card to collect points. i just got my avion card and i'm ready to collect! so do i do that as an online bank transfer, or does ottawa send out a paper copy of our statement that i can just fill out and send back?


sorry for all the questions! just getting excited to get everything settled! thanks! :)



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Guest satsumargirl

To answer some of your questions


Yes OSAP comes after fees are due. If you read the fine print somewhere on the fee bill it says that if you are getting financial aid you can defer payment (if the date isn`t on the bill then it is probably on the internet somewhere) without a penalty fee. However, it happens that even with the deferal you may not have your OSAP by the extended deadline for bill payment. So...what you do is pay it with your LOC or whatever and when you get your OSAP pay off your LOC. If your intial fee bill is for the entire year tuition...then getting OSAP also lets you split that into a fall and winter payment. ( I don`t remember if it is or not)


As for actually getting your OSAP....there is a bunch of paperwork that needs to be done. Financial aid will have a certain amount of dates where they will be at RGN (you will get the dates in an email) with your paperwork and you will need to bring your SIN card etc. After all that is done it will take a couple of weeks and the amount you are getting will be directly deposited to your account. (so you also need to bring a blank cheque so they have your banking info). If you can`t make the dates they are at RGN then you have to make it to the financial aid office.


No idea if Ottawa lets you pay your tuition with a credit card.

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Guest everyoneloveschem

Honestly! When are we going to get a bit more info on what is happening in less than 4 weeks. The wait is driving me bonkers. Give us something...a schedule, an O-week schedule...sigh.

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Guest 24medgirl

I just checked in archived threads and it seems that last year the O-week schedule came out on August 2nd. Hopefully that means that we'll be getting ours soon!!!!


Any 2nd years like to comment? Maybe we're being kept in the dark on pupose? :eek



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