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Guest Angela

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Guest Angela

After I got home last night, I read the posts from MDWannabe, Gucio93, and Ian Wong about my message from yesterday morning. At the time, I didn't know why the message caused such a big problem (I can only assume that it stirred up some trouble as the messages have been deleted). After reading the MetroToday (a trunkated version of the Toronto Star), I finally realized why.


I have no psychic powers and I didn't know that an attack was going taken place yesterday. I was also unaware of the Palestian attack which happened on Tuesday until I read about the latest one in today's newspaper. Believe me, I wouldn't have posted it if I had known this beforehand <sigh>. Gucio is right to some extend. She mentioned that the post was the result of "writing before thinking". Well, it's more like, "writing before reading the news".


I apologize to anyone of you that were offened by it. After weeks of sharing with fellow waitlisters on this forum, I was getting too comfortable with postings that I neglected the fact that we were all indeed strangers that have never met in person. People wouldn't know me enough to realize whether I was just goofing around or spreading negativism (again, I'm just guessing from Gucio's post). My intention was only to lighten the spirit in this forum for others who are also in this seemingly endless waiting game. If I have indeed made the situation worse, please accept my apologies.


I've been feeling bad all morning since I read the front page of MetroToday.


Maybe I should become a part-time psychic if I'm so good at predictions (this is a joke!).





P.S. Thanks for deleting the messages from yesterday, Ian! You probably saved me from reading some personal attacks.


To MDWannabe: I'm not as into finding about rankings and waitinglist size as I was at the beginning of the month. I have no intention of making the admin change their mind about it this year. I wasn't at all serious about forcing them to make adjustments to their new policy.

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