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Tips for prepping CASPer

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Personally casper felt like a condensed typed version of an MMI, though with the crazy time limit. I basically just used generic MMI questions and a few of the free casper question vids I found on youtube and this forum and practiced typing my answers out as fast as I can (though untimed). I did this for 2-3 days and then I started doing it with a timer on my phone to make sure I was good with the actual timing of the answers on the test. I think the time limit is probably the hardest part, everybody I knew ran out of time on certain questions so you really need to get the typing and the timing down pat. As for the actual answers I just followed the generic MMI answer advice with the impartiality, exploring sides of the issue, empathy etc. Hope that helps. 

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I think in the past (unsuccessful) attempts I was too worried about following a particular sequence ie. open with a generic statement, talk about the pros and cons of the ethical problem on hand, discuss the other argument etc. This approach took away from how I actually felt about the situation and used up a lot of time also. This time around the responses were much more natural. I understood the question, thought about possible implications and did not try to ride the fence too much; rather shared how I felt and why I felt that. In doing so, talking about other players involved became automatic. Overall, I'd say do not shy from sharing your opinion on the matter but make sure to include the why of it. 

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