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Canadian DAT Biology

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Hi there,

On my timetable I have lecture conflicts between ecology and developmental biology and was wondering which one would be more beneficial to learn in class when preparing for writing the DAT as opposed to learning it individually. Likewise, I have another conflict between evolution and biochemistry (however, with this one I think learning biochemistry in lecture would be more beneficial as opposed to evolution...). Any opinions I would appreciate!! 



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I think it all depends on what your strengths are. Personally, I was not confident about Biochemistry and Plant Biology, especially the parts where I had to understand and memorize a bunch of chemical cycles such as glycolysis, Krebs cycle, ETC, CAM, etc. I have seen quite a lot of people who got them intuitively and ace on the test. But when I was studying for DAT, I wish I studied harder when I was taking those courses at school.

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It all depends on your strengths and weaknesses but I'd say developmental biology just because it usually shows up on the DAT and its stuff you don't really learn anywhere else. Ecology is a way broader field and I'd think the odds of getting a test question from that class is lower.  I took developmental biology the same semester that I wrote the DAT and 3 questions were straight from the course.

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