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And you are..Accepted / (Good) Waitlisted / Rejected?!?

Guest g22g

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Guest g22g



Ian often had a pinned post for those who applied and interviewed so they can put their blurb up.*


So here he go. Below is a guide. Delete what is superfluous.




Double Accepted: (You sent the check!)


Conditionally Accepted: Waiting on other schools (which ones? and How do you rank your acceptances)


Good Waitlisted (Could change to above)


Bad Waitlisted / Rejected

Will you apply again?



Undergraduate / CNFS / Military / Graduate



Francophone / Anglophone



How many interviews etc...


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Y / N / Distant

Year in School:

Which School are you in or been too:



MCAT Scores (Optional):


Ottawa area resident:

Research Publications: Y / N / Pending

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel:

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience:

Fancy Employment:

Fancy Awards:

Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...)


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)


Why Ottawa?


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be?


I have already picked my residency and it is...


Best of luck on your pre-medical and soon to be medical path,



*All non central posts to this Subject maybe be deleted by moderators.

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Guest mpnl

Yes...some of us CNFS candidates did find out in March...it was a very sweet feeling...found out less than 12hrs later...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Maelswarm

Accepted at UO, UT. Waitlisted at UWO, Queen's.


Undergraduate, Anglophone


First time applying.

5 interviews (McGill, UT, UO, UWO, Queen's). Pre-interview rejection from Mac.


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Distant.

Year in School: Just finished 4th

Which School are you in or been too: UT

Program/Major: Lab Med and Pathobio

Degrees: HBSc

MCAT Scores (Optional): 37Q (BS13 PS13 V11)

WGPA: 3.89

Ottawa area resident: nope

Research Publications: Y

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: 4 years of dragon boat, 3 years of coaching high school badminton

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: nothing really

Fancy Awards: typical stuff

Talents: I'll take photos :P


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)

Because I can do all the things I've wanted to do since I was a wee lad.


Why Ottawa? Great program, good city, school that cares about its students.


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? My camera


UPDATE (05-24): Declined UO offer, firmly accepting UT. Removed myself from UWO and Queen's waitlists.

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Guest UofOBPS










Applied once, 5 interviews (Queen's, McGill (OOP), Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa)


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: n

Year in School: 4

Which School are you in or been too:Ottawa



MCAT Scores (Optional):34P


Ottawa area resident:Yes

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: grade 9 piano, study tour to Taiwan

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience:volunteer for Girl Guides of Canada for many years, president of an active community service club, began a piano program for disadvantaged kids last year which now operates in 7 schools and includes 100 kids

Fancy Employment:p arliamentary guide, NSERC USRA

Fancy Awards: From high school: two leadership awards, a few academic awards (top mark in graduating class), a music award, 2 scholarships from girl guides of canada

Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) same as everyone else

Why Ottawa? Be able to continue working on the piano program, near Montreal where my boyfriend lives


I have already picked my residency and it is...assuming I get in somewhere else, pediatrics


My theory as to why I didn't get in: not enthusiastic enough about medicine (I even said that if I hypothetically felt like I wanted to go into teaching, I wouldn't switch because of the investment put into doctors)

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Guest snowrocks

Oh happy day! I was accepted!


Masters student, Anglophone


second time applying.

2 interviews (NOSM). Pre-interview rejection from Mac.


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: No

Year in School: 2nd MSc program

Which School are you in or been too: Laurentian

Program/Major: Kinesiology

Degrees: BSc

MCAT Scores (Optional):

WGPA: 3.69

Ottawa area resident: nope

Research Publications: Y one

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel:tonnes of stuff

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: yes

Fancy Awards: typical stuff

Talents: i can juggle..


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)

I think I could make a positive impact on health care.


Why Ottawa? awesome city, french speaking area, the program sounds fantastic, lots of enthusiasm in the program


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? My sense of humour

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Guest Meddream

Holy @#%$...I can't believe I get to fill out one of these forms.



WHICH TRACK: Undergraduate


WHICH STREAM: Anglophone



Applied once, 2 interviews (Mac, Ottawa)

Accepted at: Ottawa, (I have to wait for Mac's result since they send it by snail mail)


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: n

Year in School: 4

Which School are you in or been too:UOfT



MCAT Scores (Optional):33R (screwed my verbal)


Ottawa area resident:No

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: nopes

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience:volunteered in 3 hospitals but nothing fancy and not for more than a year in each


Fancy Awards: From high school: The usual scholarships from high school and university but I remember there was about 10-15 of them on my ABS


Why Medicine? A sad personal experience


Why Ottawa? well...to be honest, I just applied to all schools that I thought I will have a chance of getting an interview.. There was nothing special about Ottawa that made me apply there....but having been there, I can say the people were extremely nice and everybody seemed to love the school.


Although I don't have anything fancy on my sketch, the interviewers kept telling me that I did MANY MANY activities (I had 47 items on my sketch) but I'm sure everyone had lots of activities...

If I have to give one advice to next year students, it would be to be ready to defend whatever you say. I must say that I am not a debate champion, or I was never even part of a debate club, but I was able to defend myself and my ideas..Read A LOT about the current news that you wanna discuss...and make sure you have one handy since they asked almost everyone I met...Also, what gave me the acceptance was (for sure) the fact that I showed high level of understanding of what I was getting myself into...I told them that I know as a doctor I will have all these issues (and I have to tell you that I got a lot of those from the 4th year student who was talking outside- I talked to him for 5 minutes and in that 5 minutes he gave the best answer for one of my interview questons!)...Anyways, anyone with any more questions can PM me. and I'll be happy to answer questions. This is sooooooooo unreal!:rollin

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Guest Left and Leaving

YAY! Accepted. SOO EXCITED! :b


Masters student (Community Health and Epidemiology), Anglophone


First time applying.

2 interviews (Mac and Ottawa). Pre-interview rejection from NOSM.


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Yes (dad, grandfather)

Year in School: Just finished up my MSc (graduate in a week!)

Which School are you in or been too: Western (undergrad), Dalhousie (Grad)

Program/Major: Hons. Health Sciences (Western), CH&E (Dal)

Degrees: BHSc, MSc (as of May 26)

MCAT Scores (Optional):

WGPA: 3.67

Ottawa area resident: no

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: Not much international travel but ALOT of Canadian Travel (have driven across the country (BC-NS, have been to every province), my most fancy xc would be competitive equestrian riding (jumping), which I have done since a really young age, have won provincial awards, etc.

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Adult tutoring, Day Surgery Unit at a big Hospital, a lot of horse related volunteer coaching

Fancy Awards: undergrad scholarship, 2 research grants, again, equestrian related awards

Talents: I am trying hard to come up with something funny for this part, but failing! My brain is on overdrive... haha!


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)

I've wanted to do it from a really young age - I won't bore you with the details! :)


Why Ottawa? The city is great - alive and vibrant, have heard awesome things about the school from friends in the prog. Oh - and the equestrian team!


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Other than dedication, I'd have to say a winning lottery ticket! ;)

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Guest UOMeds06

Congrats. I remember the last time i posted in this section. It was almost 4 years ago! How time flies!


Pretty soon, you'll all be too busy to read this forum and a whole new generation of med wannabees will be swarming this site on the acceptance day.


Keep it going!


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Guest cpmcrry

Good Waitlisted (Everybody cross your fingers for me!)






Anglophone (but really hoping to learn French)



2nd year applying


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: No


Year in School: Graduated in 2002


Which School are you in or been too: Mount Allison U in Sackville, New Brunswick


Program/Major: Biochemistry


Ottawa area resident: No


Research Publications: Yes - 2 papers (1 chemistry and 1 biology)


Fancy Extracurricular: Green belt in Karate; training for a marathon; I have started taking boxing classes; seem to spend the rest of my time with the local Girl Guides

Travel: I lived 18 months in Dublin, Ireland and have travelled around Europe


Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Leader with the Girl Guides of Canada (and the Irish Girl Guides while I was in Dublin); SMILE volunteer in Amherst, NS


Fancy Employment: Working with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Fire Management Office and a member of an Ontario Incident Command Team


Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...) I was a baton twirler in the 2002 Musical production of Annie Get Your Gun at Mount Allison. I was also the "non-singing" member of the chorus for that musical and the year before (I learned how to dance and lip sing very well!)


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) Have a passion for medical science and helping others so why not combine the two into my dream job as a doctor!


Why Ottawa? Love the city and I have friends in the area. Also love the program and would love to learn more french in a setting that supports that


I have already picked my residency and it is... I want to work with younger patients in Northern rural areas like Northwestern Ontario

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Guest everyoneloveschem

APPLICATION STATUS Accepted (it still doesn't seem real)


WHICH TRACK Undergraduate


HOW MANY TIMES APPLIED? Well...here is news that may either give people hope or make them wonder what is wrong with me: this is my fourth year applying. That's right, 4 years!!!! If you want it, go for it. I could write a decent sized pamphlet on my trials to this point, but I hope it will be worth it.

Personal Information:Like what?

Family member Doctor: Y - a grandfather I never met

Year in School: 4

Which School are you in or been too: Graduated from UW

Program/Major: chemistry (hence the name - and honestly, who doesn't love chem?)


MCAT Scores (Optional):34M (thank goodness for schools that don't count MCATs)

WGPA: not sure - nothing too stellar

Ottawa area resident:yup, and proud of it

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: a motley assortment

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: shadowing a physician, summer camp, etc

Fancy Employment:a good variety

Fancy Awards: a declined OGS (is that fancy if you decline it?)

Talents: hmmm...not sure about that....I do a decent pirate voice


Why Medicine? I think it would be interesting, it is science based, and you get to work with people. (***Note: a more elaborate answer was given in the interview ***)


Why Ottawa? Because Ottawa is super! My family is here and hopefully I can work on my french. And I know the bus system pretty well.


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Someone elses VISA?


I have already picked my residency and it isn't...neurosurgery :)

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Guest SaraKJ

I would like to congrad to every one who got accepted. I also would like to thank all the current med students (especially OT06) for their support through out this long journey. I really like to get to know my classmates. Let’s start sending emails and sharing information before school. My email address is nava_life5 @yahoo.com


Accepted to UO, Mac , coming to Ottawa u

Undergraduate, Anglophone


First time applying.

2 interviews ( UO, Mac ).


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: not close family member

Year in School: 9 years , since 17 yrs old

Which School are you in or been too: UO, Queens

Program/Major: Physiotherapy, Biochemistry

Degrees: BSc PT. Biochem, MSc. Biochem

MCAT Scores (Optional): did not try

WGPA: 3.9

Ottawa area resident: N

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: not really, lots of Travel,

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: many years in Cancer Center and Nursing Homes , organized new immigrant support program,

Fancy Awards: typical stuff

Talents: can’t think of any or maybe being able to stay in school for many yrs HaHaHa


Why Medicine? Love its depth of knowledge and the mystery of strange diseases

Why Ottawa? Did my Masters. Great city, good program, friendly faculty members


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Of sense of curiosity which will lead to many many qs. Be prepared


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Guest Yangzie

oh wow, i get to do one of these on the forum! did one for the mcat and felt weird so i resisted doing this all day yesterday. but as you all see, i caved in!











mac and ottawa interview--first time app


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: N


Year in School: 3rd year. :) any other 3rd years that will be in the class? if so, holla at me! :lol


Which School are you in or been too: University of Waterloo

Program/Major: Biomedical Sciences

Degrees: it's sad...but no degrees for me


MCAT Scores (Optional): 11P 9V 13B Q (verbal was a struggle)

WGPA: 3.98

Ottawa area resident: N

Research Publications: N

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: UW HipHop Team

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: International volunteering

Fancy Employment: Construction! that came up on my interview!

Fancy Awards: scholarship...

Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...)

A terrible but eager singer


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)

a field that combines all of my interests!


Why Ottawa?

Gorgeous city--tho not the day my interview took place--great faculty and staff who are exceedingly nice ppl


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? i was gonna say camera...but everyone else took it...so i'll say my sketch pad


I have already picked my residency and it is...no clue but i'm leaning towards ER

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Guest jos264

congrats to everyone who got accepted!











first time applicant, applied and was accepted to ottawa and Mac but pretty sure I will go to ottawa...


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Distant

Year in School: 3rd yr

Which School are you in or been too:Ottawa U

Program/Major:BPS, medicinal chemistry option



Ottawa area resident:Y

Research Publications: Pending

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: lots of music stuff

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience:fair amount of in hospital volunteer work


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) cause im passionate about it, allows me to be in scientific field and work with ppl


looking forward to meeting u all in the fall!

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Guest avarrin2001

APPLICATION STATUS - Double Accepted: Sending the check on Thursday :)


...rejected from NOMS



WHICH TRACK - Graduate, MSc (Molecular Biology)


WHICH STREAM- Anglophone



Applied three times - once at the end of Undergrad.. (it was horrible) didnt get any interviews, etc (I didnt deserve any, my application was done the night before it was due).. Second time I applied was during my Masters, was interviewed at Ottawa, NOSM and UofT... was waitlisted at Ottawa and shortlisted at UofT... spent the summer waiting and never got in... and then came this year - didnt even interview at UofT :( INterviewed at Ottawa and NOSM, and now i am going to Ottawa!!!!!


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Nope

Year in School: done... finished my MSc a year ago this month

Which School are you in or been too: Went to Waterloo for undergrad and Masters

Program/Major: Undergrad - BSc Psychology with Biology minor, Graduate - MSc Biology

MCAT Scores (Optional): 9 9 9 R

WGPA: I really dont even know.... 3.6 I believe, tho I am very rural, so I do know that helped get me an interview at both NOSM and Ottawa


Ottawa area resident: Renfrew County (Ottawa Valley)

Research Publications: 1 publication, first author in Molecular & Cell Biology

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: No travel, my extracurrics arent fancy :(

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: I am really not fancy... I do volunteer for the fire department, and I did volunteer at the Grand River Hospital in Kitchener for 4 years, nothing fancy tho.

Fancy Employment: I currently work as an Ambulance communications officer (I answer 911 and send ambulances)

Fancy Awards: I am not fancy! I did get OGS as a grad student (Ontario Grad Student award), did win an award at a scientific meeting for best presentation, thats about it.. oh and a Biology Teaching Assistant Award

Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...) hehe, I am not all that talented... ahhaha, trust me, you dont want me singing


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) Its just what I want to do! Why do ppl keep asking me this ;)


Why Ottawa? I got in, its close to home, its awesome, why not?


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Hmmm... tough call... I cant decide, thank God I can take more than one!


I have already picked my residency and it is... I dont know... probably Family. Would love Emergency, but I know it is super competitive.


Ok, so outside of this chain-letter-type-questionnaire I want to say that I am definitely one of those atypical applicants. I got in becuase I didnt give up. For those of you that didnt get in, I know how much it sucks. But get up, brush yourself off, and get right back on that application horse. If you need encouragement, drop me a line.... I can tell you all about my story ;)


I honestly cant believe I am writing one of these posts!!!! :rollin I am on a rollercoaster ride of "oh my goodness I did it!" to "what the heck am I thinking?! Can I do this??!" to "I am going to be a dr!!!!!" to "How am I going to afford this!?" .. and then it repeats :) hehehe

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Guest everyoneloveschem

Arravin, you and I seem to be of the same mettle: we kept trying, and now we're both wondering what's happening!


I'm glad to see there are a number of forum acceptees.


Good luck to everyone on the waitlist, I know hard it is.

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Guest Yangzie

Hey avvarrin! UW rocks!


haha, which lab are you from--maybe i can drop by and say hi :-)? (I'm at Bols lab doin nserc this summer)


You probably have TA'd me or marked my exams or proctored me!


haha, small world !

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Guest diakonos

I'm originally from Toronto, Ontario and finished 4th year of UofT in Biology. This is my 2nd time applying to U of T.


I was accepted at: UofT and UofA

rejected by: too many schools to name here...

and good waitlisted by: UofO (French class)


My first choice: is U of T. :D


My Undergrad GPA was: 3.82 (OMSAS), 3.90 (U of T Calc) and MCAT (VR/PS/W/BS): 8,12,R,10.


Beyond excited about starting...it has been a long tough 4 years...taking August off for the most part!


See y'all soon...

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Guest doobs25



Double Accepted: Was the first one to pay.. hehe Monday at 11:30


Undergraduate track ; Bs ès Sc. Biochemistry @ Ottawa U, graduated april 2005, been working for 1 year at a pharmaceutical company since graduation


Francophone Stream


Third time applying

Rejected pre-interview 1st year

Interviewed @ Ottawa last year, good waitlisted

Interviewed @ Ottawa and NOSM this year, accepted @ both


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: nope

Program/Major: Biochemistry 4 year Ottawa U.

WGPA: 3.76

Ottawa area resident: Nope, Northern Ontario

Research Publications: nope

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: nope

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: nothing much.. founding president of beach volleyball league in hometown

Fancy Awards: Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation Scholarship for Undergrad

Talents: nothing spectacular... can be funny


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please)

Help people, make a difference in their lives


Why Ottawa? Great French Program, already settled here,


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Beer.. hehe lets face it.. after school.. we'll have no more time for it for the rest of our lives...;)


I have already picked my residency and it is...

Either General Surgery or General Practitionner..



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Guest spidey077

Good Waitlisted (Everybody cross your fingers for me!)



Graduate - PhD






too many! waitlisted at U of O and Mac in the past


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: No


Year in School: Graduated undergrad in 2000, hopefully the Phd in 2 months


Which School are you in or been too: UWO


Program/Major: Biochemistry


Ottawa area resident: No


Research Publications: Yes - 4 papers, 2 more accepted (5 first author)


...not going to finish the rest of the form....unless I get that good news call!


wonder how good the odds are to get the call off the waitlist. Hopefully Ottawa keeps the waitlist to a minimum.

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Guest Wellington16

Double Accepted: I walked the check in to make sure everything was in order


TRACK Undergraduate

STREAM Anglophone



I applied to Mac last year got an interview but didn't get in

This year I applied everywhere but only got an interview at Ottawa U


Family member Doctor: N

Year in School: Just finished 4th

Which School are you in or been too: Ottawa U

Program/Major: Human Kinetics

Degrees: HBSc

MCAT Scores (Optional): not good enough to get interview at MCAT schools


Ottawa area resident: Yep

Research Publications: nope

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: lots of travel (europe mostly) and lots of sports (horseback riding, soccer, skiing etc)

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Internship at the Heart Institute, Canadian Blood Services, Shadowing an MD

Fancy Employment: Not really -- just lifeguarding

Fancy Awards:not fancy ones

Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...) wait and see ;) seriously tho, I love to sing and dance but i'm not good at either


Why Medicine? I like people and I like physiology


Why Ottawa? I live hear already... and they let me in !! Also I think the teaching style fits my learning style.

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Guest cpmcrry

I need to edit my entry . . .


ACCEPTED!!!! (Got the call tonight at 7!)






Anglophone (but really hoping to learn French)



2nd year applying


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: No


Year in School: Graduated in 2002


Which School are you in or been too: Mount Allison U in Sackville, New Brunswick


Program/Major: Biochemistry


Ottawa area resident: No


Research Publications: Yes - 2 papers (1 chemistry and 1 biology)


Fancy Extracurricular: Green belt in Karate; training for a marathon; I have started taking boxing classes; seem to spend the rest of my time with the local Girl Guides

Travel: I lived 18 months in Dublin, Ireland and have travelled around Europe


Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Leader with the Girl Guides of Canada (and the Irish Girl Guides while I was in Dublin); SMILE volunteer in Amherst, NS


Fancy Employment: Working with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Fire Management Office and a member of an Ontario Incident Command Team


Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...) I was a baton twirler in the 2002 Musical production of Annie Get Your Gun at Mount Allison. I was also the "non-singing" member of the chorus for that musical and the year before (I learned how to dance and lip sing very well!)


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) Have a passion for medical science and helping others so why not combine the two into my dream job as a doctor!


Why Ottawa? Love the city and I have friends in the area. Also love the program and would love to learn more french in a setting that supports that


I have already picked my residency and it is... I want to work with younger patients in Northern rural areas like Northwestern Ontario

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Guest 24medgirl

Status: Accepted (from the waitlist) - I'm SOO thrilled!:rollin









1st time applying to medical school


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Yes - My paternal grandfather - he was an ENT


Year in School: Graduated in 2003 - Have been practicing as a Registered Dietitians for the last 3 years.


Which School are you in or been too: Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS


Program/Major: Applied Human Nutrition (Dietetics), Minor: Chemistry/Biology


Ottawa area resident: Sort of - I live in Brockville - in the 1000 Islands - an hour south west of Ottawa.


Research Publications: No


Fancy Extracurricular: Club soccer which brought me to Nationals, varsity soccer, various elite choirs and voice lessons as a late teen, running (competitive in races like Run for the Cure, National Capital Race Weekend), hiking, sailing, yoga and I also LOVE to cook.


Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Since I work in a hospital EVERY DAY - I decided not to volunteer at a hospital or medical centre. Mostly my volunteer work has been with charitable agencies - United Way, Heart and Stroke. I also coach soccer (U-18 girls) and I supervise dietetic interns on a regular basis in my practice.


Fancy Employment: Being a Clinical Dietitian in a major hospital in Ontario for 3 years + all of the internships I did to get here. Probably helps that I did one of my internships at CHEO.


Talents: (we do have a Med Show to put on...) Well my mother did pay for 3 years of voice lessons - I can carry a tune....


Why Medicine? (Three sentences or less please) Enjoy working with people and have a true curiosity for medical science - love learning about the human body.


Why Ottawa? For many reasons:

#1 I fell in love with Ottawa during my internship rotation at CHEO. Love the city life, the market, running along the canal.

#2 My boyfriend is from Ottawa and has been commuting for the last year from Brockville - now that we can move into the city he won't have to drive 2-3 hours a day.

#3 I have friends and family in Ottawa. Lots of people to help support me for the next 4-10 years.


If I could bring only one thing to medical school with me: Hopefully some of my grandfather's cash! ;)


I have already picked my residency and it is... I've narrowed it down to Family Medicine, Endocrinology or Peds - however I could TOTALLY change my mind once I'm there which is actually more than likely what is going to happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Lobstalobsta



Double Accepted: Paid in person on May 15th!


Undergraduate: B.Sc. Biochemistry (Honours) - University of Ottawa


WHICH STREAM: Francophone



First time: Interviews @ Ottawa U and Dalhousie...waitlisted at both

Second time: Interview @ Ottawa U only...acccepted


Personal Information:

Family member Doctor: Distant

Year in School: I graduated one year ago

Which School are you in or been too: University of Ottawa

Program/Major: B.Sc. Biochemistry (Honours)

Degrees: Just the undergrad...

WGPA: 3.70

Ottawa area resident: only for the last 4 years

Research Publications: No

Fancy Extracurricular / Travel: Tons of extracurriculars

Fancy Volunteering / Clinical experience: Two months of volunteer work in Honduras, Central America; 4 year volunteer at the Ottawa General; 1 year volunteer as a Adult Advisor with the Red Cross Youth Volunteers.

Fancy Employment: Research assistant at NRC Sussex in Ottawa

Fancy Awards: Undergrad scholarship at Ottawa U (which I shamefully lost after my first year!)

Talents: Have been playing acoustic guitar for 8 years and have recently taken up Parkouring (freerunning)


Why Medicine?

Because it's a career through which one can contribute to life and society and that accomodates both my drive to help others as well as my passion for challenge.


Why Ottawa? Because of their awesome program and its availability in French.


If I could bring only one thing with me to Medical School for the next four years...what would it be? Beer...to help me keep my mind off the ridiculous debt I will unavoidably accumulate over the next 4 years!


I have already picked my residency and it is...

Pediatrics or General Surgery

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