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UBC Open House Attire

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Hi All, 

For those who have attended Open House in the past or are knowledgeable about the process, is there is a dress code for Day 1, ie. Orientation and Information Day? I presume formal attire (ie. suit, skirt, shirt, etc.) are applicable for PBL and MMIs, but I'm uncertain whether the same applies to Day 1. Thanks!

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Man, I'm so glad the days of me overthinking shit like this are over.

Just look presentable and clean and don't show up in a t-shirt and shorts. I'd say a nice shirt or sweater is fine. If you want to throw a jacket on, don't let your dreams be dreams. But most all, just try to chill and be yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dress shirt and slacks were my go to, followed by a suit on the actual interview day. Look sharp - get a haircut, shine your shoes, iron your shirt, shave neatly. Look like a dentist looks like in your mind. Don't show up in jeans, unless you want to make your life harder than it needs to be.

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