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Course-Based Master's Timeline Issue

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for advice from graduate applicants who did a course-based master's before entering med. (I'm in the first year of a two year program)

How does the application process work if let's say your program ends at the end of August? I know that schools require graduate requirements to be completed by a certain date (like June or early August for instance) so is there a way to navigate this so that you can finish the program at the end of August and go straight into med in September of the same year? I have already sent out emails to the schools as they know best and am awaiting their responses but I just wanted to hear if other people had similar experiences and what their journey was like. For example, did you have to wait for the next application cycle after graduating? Did schools require you to submit a letter from your program stating that you would finish requirements before starting med school?, etc. 

Thank you for your time and looking forward to hearing from you all!

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Hey. I’m in a one year course based masters and I’m not gonna be complete my masters till august 9. U of t was chill with it and they said I can send a letter of completion by August 16. The main concern is thesis based masters where it’s uncertain when you’ll finish and they don’t want u to just ditch ur supervisors.

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9 minutes ago, keener12345 said:

Hey. I’m in a one year course based masters and I’m not gonna be complete my masters till august 9. U of t was chill with it and they said I can send a letter of completion by August 16. The main concern is thesis based masters where it’s uncertain when you’ll finish and they don’t want u to just ditch ur supervisors.

Thank you for the prompt reply!

I see what you're saying. In my case though, my end date is literally August 30th so that's why I am unsure if schools will be that accepting and whether or not I should even apply at all this upcoming cycle. Is it possible to get a letter of completion from your program before you actually finish it? (i.e. send in a letter of completion by early August when you actually finish late August?)

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Do you need to be physically present until August 30? If yes it may be a problem for schools starting Mid August (I.e Toronto ). I know Ottawa doesn’t care and doesn’t require documentation..so as long as ur done by early September for them, ur fine.U of T requires 3 letters. One was sent with OMSAS in October saying in general once I’ll   be done, one was sent to U of T when I was admitted and requested an extension from June 30th deadline ( my program sent info on more exactly when I’ll be done and what assessments are left), and finally U of T wants one when my program is done and all assessments r complete.

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2 hours ago, keener12345 said:

Do you need to be physically present until August 30? If yes it may be a problem for schools starting Mid August (I.e Toronto ). I know Ottawa doesn’t care and doesn’t require documentation..so as long as ur done by early September for them, ur fine.U of T requires 3 letters. One was sent with OMSAS in October saying in general once I’ll   be done, one was sent to U of T when I was admitted and requested an extension from June 30th deadline ( my program sent info on more exactly when I’ll be done and what assessments are left), and finally U of T wants one when my program is done and all assessments r complete.

Yeah, I unfortunately do. Guess I'll only be applying to Ottawa this year haha. Thank you so much for the detailed info!

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