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Clarify this please?

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Hi, I seem to be confused by something posted on the UBC website - does anyone know?

Applications are open (early) and  it says "Complete applications submitted prior to August 30, 2019 may be considered for an early interview in September 2019. Favourable candidates may be qualified for early-admissions offers on or after December 2, 2019."

what is  'favourable'?  I have a good (i think) GPA, and  DAT scores, but I haven't taken CASPER yet.  If I apply before August 30 with my DAT, and GPA, will they accept me to qualify for an early offer? or could I be bumped later by someone else who's stats are better? 

Also, correct me if I misread, but was the DAT valid for 5 years and now it's only 3?  Is that for all Canadian Dental schools?


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I have a question too relating to early admission. I haven't take my CASPER too. On CASPER website, the earliest date is 20th Aug and the result needs 3 weeks to be sent to UBC. If I take on the 20th Aug, will I still be able to qualify for early admission?

In other words, do I qualify if I submit everything and tell the admission I took CASPER before 30th Aug even though the result won't be out yet? 

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