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Question about dropped classes

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Hello everyone, i'm a first year student studying biochem at Carleton. I'm stuck in a position where I have literally zero interest in a class and because Carleton is dumb, they require me to know whether I want to keep/drop a class by September 30th. Im now finally realizing that there's no way that i'm going to be able to compete and get a decent average in said class and i'm on the verge of dropping it. I have a quick question before I bite the bullet and it is; UofT and UWO don't accept applicants that don't have a full course load (right?), am I basically done if I drop this class? What options do I have? Should I take the "F" but by doing so maintain the full time status? Any insight or guidance is welcome. Thanks! 

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The year's they use for GPA calculations are the years that need to be a full course load. Because Western is best two years applicants usually don't use their first year. For U of T you drop your worst year so if you dropped your course by default you would use years 2, 3, and 4 because this year wouldn't be viable. If you don't drop the course and get an F, you would hope that this year was your worst year that gets dropped anyway because you would no longer be competitive at least at U of T with on F on record

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