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Must we complete Master's degree?

Guest Bones

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Hey there,


I'm just wondering if the U of C requires that those that are accepted into its program as Master's students finish their degrees before starting med? If so, I'm assuming they allow folks to complete the Master's concurrently with their med studies... will they allow deferals for this purpose as well?



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Guest Win2002

I'm pretty sure you don't have to have your degree finished as there's a number of students in our class that are still writing or getting ready to defend that undying thesis.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Although there are folks who work on their graduate degrees concurrently while in the medical program, it's not an ideal situation. Med school, its related activities, and the activities that keep you sane outside of school take a lot of time. The addition of graduate work to that mix can make for a harrowing experience. In fact, there are some folks in our class who have taken a medical school sabbatical to complete their graduate work and some more who are considering doing so. So although it might be quietly permitted at UofC, I'd say that it's far better to get the crunch over with prior to entering medical school and complete all your graduate work before medical school begins. In short, I can see why some other schools won't permit matriculation until the degree is defended.




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