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How did your interview go?

Guest hydes79

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Guest hydes79

Hello everyone,


I had my interview today at 8:30am. I was really nervous at the beginning of the interview, but the stress level went down with time and my answers were getting better. I felt that the interview went so fast and I wished if I had more time to talk. Overall, I think I didn't do too bad, but I guess I only now when I get the official e-mail on May 15th.


My advice to you guys is to relax and to be yourself. I know you probably heard this advice 100000000 times by now, but believe me this is the best advice that you can get to do well in uOttawa interview. One last thing that I want to mention here is that everyone in uOttawa was very friendly from the interviewers to the admission staff (including Nicole and Denis) and to the other medical students who were just hanging out to help us relax.


Good luck everyone.



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Glad you had a pleasant interview! Hope the tour and presentation were helpful and that you got a good idea of what the school's all about!


There really is no point nitpicking how your interview went because 1) it's over and 2) i've heard people who thought they did horribly get in, and vice verca. So hang in there.. it's a bit over 2 months away.. but hey at least u guys get 2 weeks less than last year :)

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